Star Catcher 378753

Astrology for the week of October 17, 2014.

A spiral galaxy known as NGC 1433 is seen in an undated image captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (photo credit: REUTERS)
A spiral galaxy known as NGC 1433 is seen in an undated image captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
(photo credit: REUTERS)
LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23 You may find it rather difficult to concentrate or remain focused for a long period of time this week, and rather than get upset and say or do something you will regret, simply take a deep breath and walk away. The lines of communication will soon flow smoothly again and that is when you can safely get involved in important and serious discussions concerning personal matters. Although you have been spending a bit more than you had hoped, your financial situation is well under control.
HINT: Before you tackle any major issues fortify yourself with as much information as possible.
SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 21 So much is going on behind the scenes that you are beginning to rue the day you got involved in the first place. Take a breather and once you have calmed down you will realize that your judgment was sound and what you are facing are normal glitches and irritating delays that you had no way of knowing about and can only step back and let them run their natural course. What you can do, however, is remember and learn for the future.
HINT: Be careful about any unnecessary spending this week.
SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21 You have a great deal of energy and have little patience for those who are either not pulling their weight, or who double- check your instructions.
In either case you will handle the situation as only you can… calmly and honestly. No one works harder than you do and those who doubt you do so at their own risk. For the next couple of weeks back up important information and when using regular mail send documents and contracts by special delivery.
HINT: Before making any new commitments, get a second and even a third opinion.
CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19 Don’t let past conflicts with an employer or person of authority blind your thinking today. You are in a much stronger position now and your good name and professional expertise precede you. So if faced with an uncomfortable situation with this same person, listen, say less, pay close attention and wait for a more auspicious time to sit down for a serious conversation. Chances are that by then the whole thing will disappear as smoke.
HINT: Time spent with a special person brings joy and a feeling of peace you so honestly deserve.
AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18 Some of the people you have met over the past few months have turned into real friends and time spent in their company is a joy.

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You need to take a little time off this week in order to relax and get some balance back into your life. The long hours you have been putting into your job will soon pay off, so hang in there and trust yourself. Time spent with and older member of your family is always wonderful, so make arrangements to meet soon.
HINT: Your relationship with your partner and/or mate continues to grow as you find even more things you have in common.
PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20 You continue to be overly involved in family matters as everyone turns to you for help and advice.
It will be up to you to decide just how much time and energy you can afford to spend taking care of everyone. ‘No’ is not a bad word and setting up boundaries is healthy. Financially you continue trying to cut expenses while putting some money aside for a trip, a major purchase or a rainy day.
Be kind to yourself and live a little… even if it means adding a few more months to your savings plan.
HINT: This week you will finally be able to put in some major work on an important project.
ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You have so much to do and not nearly as much time as you had hoped. The time has come for you to reach out and, even though it is not easy for you to ask for a help, you will be surprised and grateful for the response you get. Money is not as free right now due to unexpected expenses over the past few months, so either get some advice from the experts, or cut back a little. A little will go a long way as the weeks progress.
HINT: Time spent with family and close friends is just what you need this week, so make a few phone calls and have a party!
TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 You love being surrounded by beautiful things and even if they didn’t cost a great deal of money most of the items in your home have either a sentimental value or bring back memories of lovely vacations you have enjoyed. This is a perfect week for dividing your time between your professional obligations and personal pleasure. You will have the time you need for both once you get a little more organized.
HINT: Don’t make any hasty decisions just yet. In the months to come you will have the information you are missing, so for the time being take your time and keep your eyes and ears open.
GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21 You may find it difficult relaxing this week as your mind is working overtime and yet the answers you are seeking continue to elude you.
Take a break and keep busy with other things. You will find what you seek when you least expect it. As for now you will be best served by finishing off old projects before committing to new ones. Don’t let a problem from the past color your feelings now. Both times and you have changed, so perhaps you need to rethink things and come to a different conclusion.
HINT: Friday and Saturday are good days for resting at home.
CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22 You may find it difficult finding a quiet corner at home this week with so much going on. Rather than get upset, pack up your laptop and find a place which brings you peace and do your work there. Then when you do come back home you will enjoy the normal routine of people, phones and conversations. You continue to watch your spending but do feel a bit frustrated that it is taking longer than you had planned to reduce your debt and put money aside. The truth is you are doing a great job and will soon be free to go ahead with your plans.
HINT: A conversation with a sibling will help you see things much clearer.
LEO (FIRE) JULY 23-AUGUST 22 You may have to postpone a serious discussion with a someone you come into contact with daily as the lines of communication between you are rather muddled at the present. Rather than force the issue, listen to what is being said and, more importantly, pay attention to what is not discussed. You will have the time you need this week to put in some long, hard hours on a project that needs completing within the coming weeks. Once it is over you will be able to set your sights on some new and very interesting ventures.
HINT: Watch where you leave your wallet and keys on Tuesday and Wednesday.
VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22 A conversation with yourself is never boring but it won’t get you far, so in order to get an honest overview of a situation, turn to some people you trust and pay attention. They know what they are talking about! You have a great deal on your mind and money plays an important role in the reason why you are not sleeping well at night. Money promised may be delayed, or a change in plans may cause a minor financial problem. All will work out, so trust yourself.
HINT: This is not the week for beginning any new project that has come up in the last few days or for making any major purchases.