Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of March 18, 2016

Tip for the week: Take a moment to double check your facts. Things may not be as they seem.

Deep space bright nebula (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Deep space bright nebula
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
This is the week for level-headed thinking rather than for daydreaming.
You have the tendency to skip over some information which is not to your liking or which brings you pain.
Face things front on and you will see that nothing is as upsetting as you feared yet not as fabulous as you hoped.
Somewhere in the middle is the truth and it is just fine! Financially you are stressed as family needs took preference over saving the past couple of weeks. If you cut back now you will have the cash you need later in the year.
HINT: Before accepting an invitation you don’t really want to attend, say no you can’t upfront and avoid an uncomfortable situation later.
A rush of energy is expected at the beginning of this week and that is the time for doing your most creative work. You may find that your peak effort is in the wee hours of the morning or later in the afternoon so keep your schedule loose and follow your instincts. Time spent with another fire sign may be confusing as this person is sending out mixed signals.
Be patient…you won’t regret it.
A conversation with someone from your past will remind you just why you walked away.
HINT: Financially now is the time for some serious moves on your part in order to stick within your budget.
Great week for meeting new people and experimenting a little.
The emphasis is on ‘a little’. New foods and new places can be exciting in small portions, so go easy on the spicy and the exotic. Time spent with your partner and/or mate is actually fun right now as together you share thoughts, feelings and experiences.
It’s good to have someone you can laugh with. Financially you need to keep an eye on your expenses but all is under control, so don’t worry.
HINT: Sunday and Monday are good day for taking care of business as you have the patience for dealing with all the little things which must be taken into account.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
Take a step back while contemplating some change in your career. It may take another week or two before the entire picture becomes clear and for the time being lay low and ask a lot of questions. It is easier to say no than to say I changed my mind. Financially things are not yet where you would like them to be but you are definitely on the right track. Time spent with an older member of your family will be far more pleasant than you had imagined so don’t postpone the meeting.
HINT: You emotions take precedent over your thoughts and you may find yourself revealing a bit more than you had anticipated.
It has been a long time since you have felt so creative and anxious to get working on a special project once again. Take advantage of this momentum and if you can’t concentrate at home, then take your computer to your favorite coffee shop and enjoy the feeling of doing something for your own personal satisfaction for a change. Financially things are a bit tight and you will have to work hard at eliminating any unnecessary spending if you wish to have the funds necessary in the spring.
HINT: Your relationship with a Virgo is improving as this person is trying to be more flexible and takes the time to really listen to what you have to say.
You may find it rather difficult being realistic this week as your fantasies soar. It has been some time since you felt this way and rather than walk away, take advantage of this window of opportunity and write, paint, plan a new garden, examine a trip to some exotic place you have always wanted to visit.
The sky is your limit and when the time comes you will have the funds you need. For the time being, however, keep your thoughts to yourself.
The surprise will be worth waiting for.
HINT: This weekend invite the family over for a home cooked meal.
You have the feeling that all your hard work isn’t enough and you continue to push yourself even harder. Take a step back and consider your health and your family. Nothing will happen if you slow down.
Actually, once you do you will be surprised at how much more you can accomplish now that you are not so tired. Financially you have planned well and although you may not have the cash on hand you have investments which will keep you solvent for a very long time.
HINT: You may feel bored at home this weekend and need to get out of the house.
Things are moving in the right direction and although you would like to be a little more solvent, you are doing the best you can under the circumstances. Your partner and/or mate is with you all the way and willing to put their own projects aside in order to help you with yours. Take advantage of their offer. A family member who lives far away misses you and will be happy to hear from you. Plans to meet may be postponed for financial reasons but soon you will both find a way to be together again.
HINT: Many people are anxious to be included in your inner circle but you continue to choose your close friends very carefully.
A lot is going on in your life right now and rather than try to remember everything, keep detailed notes and you won’t miss an important appointment, or forget a pivotal piece of information which could change the outcome of a project you have been laboring over for quite some time. Financially you run hot and cold, saving some days and spending wildly on others. Some days you simply can’t avoid retail therapy.
HINT: You have been thinking about a water sign and the time is soon approaching where you should make a move to connect with this person. You may discover that you have even more in common than you expected.
You have been working around the clock for so long that you have forgotten how to stop and enjoy all the wonderful things you have already accomplished. Your good name and reputation are worth gold, and now is the time to eke out a window of time for your family and very close friends. The time off will help you relax and a few days away from your desk will allow you the space to get a broader view of your goals and how you plan to reach them.
HINT: Financially you are completely aware of your situation and know that things will all fall into place in the coming weeks.
Time away from your job will help you and your partner and/or mate to relax and remember just how much you enjoy being in each other’s company. For the past few weeks you have felt cramped and stifled and in desperate need of a different change of scenery. Financially you are stressed due to a major purchase you made, but you did your homework well and have nothing to worry about. A conversation with an older member of your family will strengthen the bond between you.
HINT: Don’t be so hard on yourself. Everyone else thinks you are fabulous!
Recently you took a leap of faith and as time progresses you begin to relax and realize that you were absolutely right in your thinking and have no regrets. Financially you need to keep close tabs on your bank balance but you have nothing to worry about. You have planned well.
Time spent with your partner and/or mate will remind you of just how special your connection really is.
When talking to a water sign listen carefully but speak sparingly. Later you will be glad you did
HINT: Your connection with a sibling or two is growing stronger daily.