Star Catcher Astrology for the week of September 19, 2014

Plan your week carefully and you should be able to get everything done on time.

A spiral galaxy known as NGC 1433 is seen in an undated image captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (photo credit: REUTERS)
A spiral galaxy known as NGC 1433 is seen in an undated image captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
(photo credit: REUTERS)
You have a burst of energy and if you harness it and dole it out properly you will be able to sail through this week effortlessly. Contacts you have made are getting stronger and your reputation as someone experienced, honest and fair will pave a way for future success. A conversation with an air sign will help you to see things from a different perspective and will be well worth the time.
Financial matters are always on your mind and you have learned not only from past mistakes but from people you have trusted along the way.
HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you will enjoy time away from the pressures of work surrounded by family and dear friends.
You trust your intuition even more this week as you ex - amine your options and try to put some balance into your life. Take your time.
By weighing the pros and cons you will soon discover a path you had not considered which will bring harmony and fairness to all. Time spent at work this week will be especially enjoyable as you are not only able to solve a problem which has been challenging but the people you come into contact with will be interesting as well as pleasant.
HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you will reconnect with old as well as new friends.
You have a great deal on your mind and have been so busy lately that you have not had a spare moment to take care of immediate business. This week provides you with the lull you need to tie off loose ends, catch up on some much needed rest and, finally, to sit down and plan for your future. Financially you are abreast of your situation and doing the best you can to avoid not only further debt, but to put money aside as well.

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HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you will be surrounded by people who are so very proud of you and happy for your new lease on life.
Don’t let your need for perfection interfere with your desire for harmony this week. You will be torn between what you wish to do and what you can, in fact, accomplish.
The people around you are there to help so try not to vent your frustration on isn’t their fault.
When speaking to an air sign pay close attention to what is not being said and you will learn a great deal.
Your attention to finances will help keep your head above water as unusual expenses are on the way.
HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you will enjoy being the center of attention as young and old enjoy your company
You have learned and grown so much over the past few months and those closest to you are not only aware of the change in you but are sincerely happy for you. The past has left its mark but there are no lingering scars. The time is right to set objectives and work toward a goal you have wanted for a very long time. Although you are cautious when adding people to your inner circle those who are privileged to be accepted become long, dear friends.
AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18 Always willing to stand up for your beliefs you have earned the reputation of a fair, honest and responsible person who can be relied upon to tell the truth and can be depended on. The people closest to you are like-minded and together you make a formidable team.
Both your co-workers and employers are happy to have you on their team. Time with a special friend will help round out your week and will return some balance into your very busy life. Financially you have the situation under control and soon will be able to relax.
HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you will enjoy watching friendships grow as well as move forward with some care - fully thought out plans.
Your intuition is high and you need to take some time off to simply relax, recharge and re-evaluate some of your goals. Al - though things are not moving as quickly as you had hoped, they are progressing smoothly and you are definitely on the right path. Even financial problems which held you back in the past are beginning to fade and there is definitely a light growing larger at the end of the tunnel. Be patient with an elderly member of your family. This person means well and honestly cares.
HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you will prefer spending time at home surrounded by loved ones rather than be out in a crowd
You have a definite vision but the timing seems to be slightly off and you are not progressing nearly as quickly as you had hoped. The delay is definitely in your favor, so relax and enjoy the view along the way. You have so many things to be thankful for and this is the week for telling some special person just how much you appreciate them and all they have done for you.
For those considering a career change, this is the time for gathering information, checking out your options and biding your time. Do not act hastily.
HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you will have the opportunity to do something extraordinary for someone you care greatly about
Never one to simply let things happen, you take your time and carefully plan and think things through be - fore making your move. This holds true for partnerships in both your professional as well as your private life. For some time you have been working to - wards making a career change and soon all your hard work will bear fruit. The same holds true in your personal life as a friendship blossoms into a serious relationship.
You have put in the time and deserve the reward.
HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you will enjoy spending time with young people.
The time has come to work out some of the problems be - tween yourself and a sibling. You can ei - ther forget every - thing and move on, or if that isn’t possible, then arrange a meeting and speak up. Once you have said your piece you, no matter what, you will feel better and know that at least you tried. Financially things are still not as solid as you would like, and for the time being you need to continue watching your spending very carefully. When dis - cussing your ideas with a partner and/or mate pay special attention to the feedback you receive.
HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you will enjoy hosting family and friends.
Financially you are moving ahead and if you continue being careful you should be on solid ground within a month or two. You know what you need to do and are managing very nicely. Bravo! It isn’t easy for you to be ‘stingy’ especially where your family is concerned. A special project continues to sit on your shelf but it may take a few weeks before you have the pa - tience, the ability to completely focus on the facts and to find the emotional quiet space to do the work. Take some time off simply to sit and enjoy a few evenings at home this week.
HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you appreciate family and siblings more than ever.
You have a lot more energy these days and now is the time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.
Lately you have been feeling more confident and optimistic and as the weeks progress new and interesting opportunities will begin to come your way. This is not, however, a good week to begin a diet or exercise program. Wait a few weeks. Time spent with a sibling is joyous for your both and if this person lives far away then the time is right to begin putting money aside for a visit.
HINT: This Rosh HaShanah you may not have as much money as you would wish to pamper those you love, but it doesn’t matter. Anything you get them will be gratefully appreciated.