Live blog: The 'Post' hosts Israeli election debate
Real-time coverage via social media of the jointly-hosted 'Post' and AACI Israeli elections debate.
By JPOST.COM STAFFPodium 311(photo credit: Ciaran Griffin)
Welcome to the live blog of the second of four Israeli election debates, jointly-hosted by the Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel (AACI) and The Jerusalem Post. Tonight's debate takes place in Tel Aviv, and will feature representatives from Likud Beytenu, Bayit Yehudi, Strong Israel, Kadima, Yesh Atid, Meretz, The Tzipi Livni Party, Labor and Shas. The Post's Knesset reporter Lahav Harkov will moderate.If you would like to contribute questions to the debate, please tweet your questions with the hashtag #JPostDebates.