April 12, 2018: so many lies

Our readers weigh in.

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
So many lies
Regarding “Israel ‘warned’ US of strike, Russia says left in the dark” (April 10), there are so many lies coming out of Syria that one has to read between the lines to know what is going on.
Lie Number 1: Russia and Syria deny any involvement in the chemical attack and even question if a chemical attack took place.
Lie Number 2: Even though Israel is said to have attacked Syria very shortly after US President Donald Trump talked about a military strike, we are asked to believe that Israel decided alone, without coordination with America.
Finally, lie Number 3: Israel did not inform Russia about the air attack in advance. We are to believe that in a base deep in Syria, there were no Russian advisers present – only Iranians and Syrians.
The only thing that surprises me about the whole mess is that Syria has not taken the matter to the UN.
The matter of Gaza

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With regard to “Has the next ‘Hebron shooter’ arrived?” (Analysis, April 10), it is to be hoped that the stir over the “Gaza shooter” does not become a rerun of the Elor Azaria fiasco, where senior officers vied with each other in parading their “values” regarding the shooting of a Palestinian would-be murderer.
In my opinion, that matter should have been dealt with by a court martial and never allowed to become a national cause célèbre.
What is involved is the morale of the army if soldiers do not trust their superior officers and are expected to be constantly asking themselves whether their actions, in all circumstances and all situations, measure up to “values” – some of which are not conducive to the winning of wars.
I refer to reader Betzalel Messinger’s comments (“Just a smokescreen,” Letters, April 10).
The old adage is that you fight fire with fire.
So if the air force would have dropped some gasoline on the tires, it would have been more expensive – but what a bonfire it would have made!
The ‘fascist’ named Orban
After the “free” election in Hungary, we hear the news that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Viktor Orban on his third successive election win (“Hungarian PM could target Soros organizations,” April 10).
I do realize that there are certain diplomatic duties to fulfill, however to congratulate an autocratic leader whose antisemitic feelings are well known is a bit too much to swallow. I do realize as well that it is of utmost importance for Israel to gain support from the EU, but Orban is not your man to assist in this effort – he is the most despised politician in the circles of European politics.
Let’s not forget those nearly 600,000 Hungarian Jews who perished in the Nazi concentration camps and the forced-labor camps on the Russian front under the fascist regime in whose footsteps Orban is following.
Beyond this “congratulation,” if Mr. Netanyahu indeed invited Orban to Israel (at least this is what I heard on the news), it would be a tragic error that cannot be forgiven by any decent Jew in Hungary or Israel. This, of course, follows that Mr. Netanyahu’s visit to Hungary was equally a detrimental decision.
I appeal to you not to proceed with this invitation to the Jewish homeland for this fascist named Orban.
Survivors of survivors
The offspring of Holocaust survivors know that any discussion as to whether the “trauma still affects adult children caring for parents” is absurd (“Transmission of Holocaust trauma still affects adult children caring for parents,” April 10). The trauma affects even those of us who are not caring for parents.
Indeed, our generation should be classified as “survivors of the survivors” or even the “victims of the victims.” As a friend and fellow survivor of survivors pointed out to me, our survivor parents were at least able to remember what normal was like, having experienced a period of normalcy prior to the onset of the Holocaust. We children of such parents never saw normal, never had grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins or any semblance of extended families.
What’s more, as horrifying as our parents experiences were – and nothing could be more horrifying – they at least knew and had a handle on what they went through. By contrast, we victims of the victims grew up in a true state of perpetual nacht und nebel, never getting a grasp of the full picture, never able understand our parents, never coming to terms with the huge absences in our lives that contrasted so sharply with our peers whose parents did not experience the Shoah.
Ordinary people
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, it seems more than appropriate to look despairingly at the current state of the world and where our so-called leaders are leading us. Are they leading us to war and perdition once more? It is time for ordinary people to make their voices heard – but we cannot because we are not free. We are enslaved by the whims and follies of our power-hungry leaders who are deaf to the unheard prayers and entreaties of ordinary people the world over. Ordinary people like you and me are simple human beings who only desire to live out our lives in a sane world in peace and happiness.
It is time for the voices of untold millions of ordinary people, no matter what our beliefs or national backgrounds, to be heard over and above the obscene, rabid rumblings. So to the Trumps, the Putins and the Rouhanis, before your misguided adventures lead us all to annihilation, hearken at long last to the prayers of ordinary people who pray for peace.
Give up your vain dreams of conquest and supremacy, and restore to us a world in which peace, progress, prosperity and happiness – not power and weapons of mass destruction – rule.
Never again be separated
Permit me to express my heartfelt sentiments as we approach Independence Day.
This land has been in my family for more than a hundred generations. The Almighty Himself bequeathed it to my ancestor Abraham and his descendants 4,000 years ago, instructing him to settle it as an everlasting inheritance.
Over the centuries, my precious land has been wrested from me by a multitude of occupiers and interlopers. They pillaged my land, ravaging and defiling her countless times. They severed me from her and dispersed me to the four corners of the earth. In my banishment, I was enslaved, beaten, tortured and martyred without count. Yet even under the direst of persecutions, my comfort was the promise the All-Merciful One made to me, that one day I would be reunited with her.
All through the millennia of my wanderings, I carried her in my heart and in my soul, and she patiently and faithfully awaited my return. She promised me that she would not give herself to anyone and would remain fallow and barren until the time of our reunion.
Seventy years ago, in His infinite compassion, the Almighty saw fit that I be reunited with her. In His presence, we renewed our vows and pledged our troth to each other that we would never again be separated.
Petah Tikva