August 28, 2017: Dastardly practice

Our readers weigh in.

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Dastardly practice
With regard to “‘Don’t make us choose between food, medicine’” (August 25), it took me almost two hours to journey from Modi’in to my home just outside Jerusalem, a ride that normally takes around 20 minutes. The reason? A group of disabled activists, in an attempt to force the government to increase their disability benefit, blocked Route 1.
The reasoning behind their military- style operation was, apparently, that by causing maximum suffering to all those who happened to be using that stretch of road, the government would cave in to their demands.
It is hard to imagine how any goodwill can be engendered as a result of this dangerous, reckless and disgraceful maneuver. How many people missed essential appointments because of them? How many people with equally difficult health issues were prevented from seeking medical help? Is this gangster-ism to be tolerated in our society? Will these lawbreakers be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, or will their actions go unpunished? If the law does not put a stop to this dastardly practice immediately, what is to prevent other disaffected groups from using the same treacherous procedure?
Mevaseret Zion
Dangerous apathy
In response to “Responding to antisemitism from the Left and Right” (Observations, August 25), sadly, antisemitic incidents (I refer to the situation in the UK) from the Right are emphasized in the leftwing media, and this is echoed in the Jewish media. But other incidents of antisemitism are played down, for example, by being explained away as mental health issues or not being reported at all.
The main effect is that because of this biased reporting, UK Jews and others cannot be motivated to act against antisemitism because they fail to recognize it for what it really is.

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It is clearly not only media bias that is responsible for this, but it does contribute to the dangerous apathy in a fundamental way.
Tell Abbas clearly
It was appalling to read of the threat to end the peace process if there is no progress toward the establishment of a Palestinian state (“Palestinian leadership considers dissolving PA, says Abbas insider,” August 24).
If anything, US President Donald Trump should clearly tell Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas that the PA must stop paying stipends to terrorists or their families; otherwise, it will immediately risk losing US aid. He should also tell the Palestinians that they should stop glorifying the killers of Jewish civilians and end their policy of continually attacking Israel in the UN.
Apparently, the Palestinians and their allies demand the continuation of the fake peace process in which they can pay and glorify terrorists while Israel gets all the blame for any problems and all the pressure to give land for no peace.
New York
‘Failed’ visit
The “failed” visit to South Africa by several lawmakers (“Shai: South Africa visit by MKs ‘could have been a turning point,’” August 24) was a shame. They should have had the foresight to include a prominent South African to accompany them.
All they needed was a South African individual with knowledge of the culture, the language and behaviors to make it a fantastic, successful visit.
Disgraceful headline
I was shocked to see a column in The Jerusalem Post with the headline “Trump’s Jewish enablers” (Washington Watch, August 24).
Already, there are many violent groups on the Left whose members hate US President Donald Trump and who will not allow free speech on university campuses by conservative voices or representatives of Israel. Now we find a headline in the Post that antisemites can use to promote more hatred of Jews.
How disgraceful!
Combating terrorism
I agree with outgoing EU envoy to Israel Lars Faaborg-Andersen that we Israelis have much to learn from the European Union as regards to fighting terrorism.
Not having much experience in counter-terrorism ourselves, we need to understand the methods by which Europe has achieved such a dramatic decrease in terrorism within its borders. Right.
Into a corner
In “Danon calls UN’s Human Rights Council ‘world’s most senior BDS activist’” (August 23), we read that the ambassador correctly lambasted the Human Rights Council for its Arab-style blacklisting of Israel. But perhaps there is something we, as a startup and successful nation, can do to remedy the situation or at least highlight the utter foolishness of the UN’s actions.
If every Israeli company were take a post office box on the West Bank and list it as a place of business, the UN lackeys who vote for blacklisting would be forced to blacklist the hundreds of medical and hi-tech companies they deal with on a regular basis. Will they stop buying drugs made by Teva? Refuse Mobileye-driven cars? The list goes on and on.
Let’s see what happens when they paint themselves into that corner.
Heart and soul
Your August 23 editorial “Emigration worries” crosses the bounds of accuracy and good taste in stating, as if factually, that Israeli Zionists view “Jewish existence in exile as mentally and morally poor, spiritually disfigured and humiliating....”
As a proud and committed Israeli Zionist, I am totally aghast at the ignorance of that statement! To love Israel and to believe that Israel is the historical and spiritual homeland of the Jewish people does not mean that there has to be a flip side that casts the Diaspora in such a negative light.
Life in the Diaspora can be beautiful and vibrant and spiritually fulfilling. Throughout the centuries, Jewish life all over the world has been distinguished by extraordinary communal values and unbounded tikkun olam (repairing the world).
Only someone uncertain of the importance of living in Israel has to denigrate the wonder of the resilience, contribution and beauty of life in the Diaspora. A true Israeli Zionist appreciates all that is right and special about Jewish life around the world while also comfortably believing that the heart and soul of the Jewish people is in Israel.
Get it together
It would be interesting to know who in the Israel Postal Company decides where one is supposed to collect parcels or registered mail, and how this decision is made.
We recently moved to Ramat Poleg in Netanya, and it amazes me what we have to go through to receive such mail.
We live about 50 meters from the local post office. We have a delivery service at the shopping mall about 200 meters away, and another delivery point in the industrial area about 10 kilometers away.
My wife received two identical parcels from the same person.
One was received at the mall, the other in the industrial area, which meant a drive plus the problem of finding parking. More recently I received a slip for a registered item and walked the 50 meters to the post office – just to be told it was in the industrial area.
It seems absurd that while the post office improves service by offering more delivery points, there seems to be no connection between where one lives and where one receives mail.