One result of this crisis is that it will help keep Jewish voters solidly in the Democratic column for years to come.
If you’ve enjoyed the drama of the government shutdown and debt crisis, you’ll be happy to know you will probably relive the experience very soon. Senators seem to have worked out a temporary deal, but first the dysfunctional House must agree before the government can reopen, and that is very iffy.If the crisis is to end, at least for now, Speaker John Boehner must find his backbone.That’s because this whole mess – which he said he never wanted – began when he abdicated his leadership to extremists in his caucus who would rather blow up the government and force default than compromise.And as dysfunction and hyperpartisanship paralyze Washington, a host of Jewish issues – domestic and foreign, from those serving the elderly and the infirm to preventing Iran from going nuclear – are in peril.If the government is allowed to reopen and the debt ceiling is raised, what will Republicans have accomplished in creating this crisis? Bupkiss. All these negotiations have done is wait until the 11th hour and 59th minute to do what Washington does best: kick the proverbial can down the road so the whole drama can be repeated early next year.One result of this crisis is that it will help keep Jewish voters solidly in the Democratic column for years to come. Another is what it portends about US influence in the Middle East and globally, nuclear negotiations with Iran and the future of aid to Israel.Unlike Tea Party supporters and many on the extreme right, Jews historically are not anti-government. They have instead looked to government to protect religious freedom, civil liberties and provide a social safety net.For an aging Jewish population with many living at or near the poverty level, this is particularly important in 2013 – and programs serving that population are already being pounded by the extremists’ brinkmanship and the Republican leadership’s cowardice.The GOP’s retreat to the far right means the party will become more radical, and Jewish interests will be fundamentally threatened by the rise of extremists who have no power to pass anything, only to block everything.Republicans are demanding cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, environmental protection, consumer safety, education and other programs championed by the Jewish community. You can kiss goodbye to immigration reform, gun regulation and long-overdue critical repair of national infrastructure.