December 27: Second thoughts

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Second thoughts
I must admit that I am confused by the reaction of Nasrallah and other Islamic terrorists to the deaths of jihadis (“Nasrallah vows to avenge killing of terrorist Samir Kuntar,” December 22).
The jihadis want to die in the service of Allah since that will get them a reward in paradise.
Instead of thanking those who killed them for getting them their reward earlier, it is treated as a bad thing that needs revenge.
Maybe those who seek revenge don’t believe that the jihadis get a reward in paradise, that this is just a ploy to get them to do stupid things.
Were I a Muslim and heard religious leaders make statements that belie the prize for being a shahid, I might have second thoughts about following them.
Petah Tikva
Speak our language
In regards to the plight of the Syrian refugees, (“UN: Those who reject Syrian refugees are allies of extremists ,” December 22), Congress should follow Norway’s lead that requires people from foreign lands who wish to settle there to learn the language and study the rules and social studies of the Norwegian way of life.

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I realize we here in the US have virtually the same requirements but we do not enforce these laws that are so vital to becoming a useful, participating citizen. Enforcing existing laws is the key to living in peace, and by the way, the same can be applied to gun laws that are lacking enforcement.
Indeed, Norway does it the right way. Learning the language and studying the way of living should be mandatory for any newcomer to the United States of America and to any other country in which a refugee will be living.
Mooresville, NC
Societal disconnect
On the front page of December 23’s Jerusalem Post, there are two reports: one is about the cost of living (“Taub report labels country as expensive, poor and unproductive”) and the other is the Histadrut labor federation’s threat of a potential strike demanding a raise in its workers’ salaries (“Histadrut, Finance Ministry talk late into the night in attempt to bridge gap”).
When is the Histadrut going to learn that the two are irrevocably intertwined. Besides the horrific costs to the country that a strike would have inflicted, as the cost of labor rises, so does the cost of living.
Our country has much more serious problems to address than childish reasons for striking and bringing the country to its knees, affecting the whole nation.
Tel Aviv
Pursuers of truth
Lior Akerman’s article “Jewish terrorists” (December 18) certainly gives a gleam of insight into the minds of those who are currently holding three Jewish youths without trial, in an attempt to obtain confessions about the Duma arson/murder.
Akerman writes: “Israeli law does not define these [hilltop] youth as terrorism activists until they actually carry out a crime, and this makes it very difficult to arrest, interrogate or remove them from their communities.”
Thus, the hilltop youth appear to have been identified as terrorists in the absence of any real terrorist activity.
How frustrating it must be for these pursuers of “truth,” as Akerman claims, that there are several million people in this country who have not actually carried out a crime and therefore cannot be arrested, held with trial, and “interrogated.”
Ma’aleh Adumim
Astute analysis
I was very impressed with Isi Leibler’s astute analysis of President Reuven Rivlin’s political activities, (“Rivlin must eschew politics,” Candidly Speaking, December 17). The remit of the president is supposed to be apolitical.
After all he is not the prime minister. He is not even a member of Knesset, and therefore it has to be instilled into him that his behavior is unacceptable as our representative.
His participation in the Haaretz hate-fest “conference” was really the last straw. I and many others who had such high hopes for Rivlin have been sorely disappointed with his actions.
Can he not be persuaded to act like an elder statesman, which is what he is supposed to be, and just show a kinder and more benign face of Israel to the world.
Petah Tikva
Strategic thinking
Ruthie Blum rightly points out many of the good reasons for questioning our eagerness to renew relations with Turkey and its President Recep Tayyip Erdogan now (“An ill-advised with the Turkish devil,” Right From Wrong, December 21). The openly anti-Semitic Erdogan should by no means be rewarded for his previous hate-messaging and propagandizing against Israel.
But there are two other convincing reasons why we should not be helping him escape his newly-created semi-pariah status.
The first is our long- time sympathy and previous betrayal of another potential non-Arab ally for us in the region, the Kurds.
The Kurds are moving toward a state of their own, are the most active element in opposing Islamic State, and have had long-term largely favorable connections with us.
As the Turks wage war against them, do we tacitly wish to say that we support this? The other is the possible offense we may give to the Russians, who, however problematic their relation is with us, certainly must play a large part in our strategic thinking.
Student life
Jewish students have the right to study at university without being confronted by the influx of students from Arab countries or Muslims from other countries who have been indoctrinated with hate and a political agenda levied against them (“Gloom and doom for the Jewish American college experience,” December 17) Jewish students come from every faction of Jewish life – Orthodox, Reform, liberal, with or without Jewish education and a knowledge of Jewish history.
All are Jews but they do not have a collective response to Arab propaganda.
Jewish students have always been subjected to some form of anti-Semitism in some universities, as even missionaries have been trying to convert them to Christianity, but never has there been so much violence as that when Arab students, arriving in greater and greater numbers with their anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda, invaded the campuses and even influenced the professors in the United Kingdom.
We in Israel and the heads of Jewish communities in the Diaspora must prepare these young, prospective students to cope with this situation before they enter the universities.
They must be encouraged to attend courses to study all aspects of Jewish history – biblical and modern. They should be proud of the Jewish State and its achievements.
Give them a chance to be knowledgeable enough to stand up to the Arab pressure and hold their heads up high.
The communities of the Diaspora and the education department in Israel, must take care of these youngsters, as they are our future.
Do not allow them to be intimidated through ignorance.
Then all students can enjoy their student life together in peace and take that message back to their countries at the end of their studies.
The writer is former vice president of the University of London Jewish Union Society.