Two comments about “Tweet sparks online antisemitism in Mexico” (January 31).
By LETTERS TO THE EDITORBibi’s tweet Two comments about “Tweet sparks online antisemitism in Mexico” (January 31).First, a tweet from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cannot “spark” antisemitism. If, when Netanyahu shows agreement with an American policy and this results in antisemitic comments, obviously the antisemitism is already there. The problem is the antisemitism, not any agreement the prime minister of Israel happens to have with the president of the United States.Second, Mexico has a border wall to keep out illegal immigrants from Guatemala, so I don’t think Mexicans have any right to complain about whatever wall Israel or the US want to build for the same purpose.TEDDY CHADWICKRosh Ha’ayin Don’t forget him While no doubt Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s discussion topics for his first White House meeting with President Donald Trump will be filled with a significant agenda of important issues (“Netanyahu and Trump to meet on February 15,” January 31), we should urge, taking a lead from your January 20 editorial “Pollard’s time,” that one priority be pardoning Jonathan Pollard, freeing him from his onerous parole conditions and allowing him to make aliya.Pollard has served his time. We owe him, for his service to Israel, an unflinching effort to plead his case in the strongest terms possible. Please, Mr. President, let Pollard go! Let him come home now!We must be guided by the words of our Talmudic sages: He who saves the life of a fellow Jew, it is as if he has saved an entire world.
ELAINE GOLDSTEIN STRAJCHERJerusalem With respect, I wish to ask President Donald Trump: How long does it take to type a pardon for Jonathan Pollard?BARBARA BLOOM SILVERMANJerusalemTruth hurts Thank God UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has the courage to contradict even UNESCO’s absurd and evil decision that the Temple Mount is of pure Islamic heritage, as well as for openly recognizing Judaism’s irrefutable and eternal connection to Jerusalem (“Palestinians slam UN head’s support of Jewish ties to Temple Mount,” January 31).I can sympathize with the Palestinian rage, pain and shock at this public recognition and confirmation of historical facts that cannot be denied. The truth hurts!G. BEN-SHMUELHatzor Haglilit Issue of interest I have a couple of comments I feel I have to make about your January 31 issue.First, a thank you to Caroline B. Glick (“The lessons of Roosevelt’s failures,” Our World) for explaining the background of US President Donald Trump’s order on refugees and clarifying some of the issues, such as why some of the countries were included in the ban, the UN’s involvement and why comparisons to World War II are not exact.Second, regarding “Politicians and Shabbat – this is not the way!” (Comment & Features), to Uri Regev I say: Sorry, guy, the Torah doesn’t adapt itself to the times; rather, the times adapt themselves to the Torah.Just because the majority of Jews are not observant does not mean we change the laws. Shabbat, in Deuteronomy 5:12-15, is not just “in the context of social justice”; the commandment begins: “Observe the day of Shabbat to make it holy...” (that is, separate from the weekdays).No one has the ability to change the laws. (Some organizations, like Machon Tzomet, find creative ways to circumvent some restrictions while staying within the rules.) Shabbat stays Shabbat, albeit with its restrictions, but also with its calm ambience, a day of disconnection from everyday stuff, and concentration on the connection with our Higher Power and family.BATYA BERLINGERJerusalemCoverage of Trump...In your January 30 issue, I counted 15 articles dealing with US President Donald Trump’s actions in the first week of his presidency, and how heads of state, refugees and many others reacted. Personally, I find this significant since you are attempting to give your readers an insightful look at what is transpiring.Heading up those articles was the editorial “Trump’s history lesson,” giving more information and presenting your paper’s opinion.Good luck in your continuing coverage.DAVID GEFFENJerusalem The goal of President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban on Muslims from seven nations is to give needed time to establish a proper vetting system, which our nation is sorely lacks. It doesn’t single out the Muslim faith.Foreign nationals are not protected by the US Constitution, as falsely reported by some media outlets along with US senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). The senators should be focusing on keeping America safe from terrorism.The mainstream’s media continuous misreporting of President Trump’s policies is both reckless and dangerousANTHONY P. LEVATINORochester, New York I read about the millions of people protesting against the restrictions on Muslims entering the United States and wonder if anyone even knows about the many Muslim countries with restrictions on Israeli Jews.I want to see Dubai and other places, but I can’t. I want to go down the road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, but I can’t. I pointed this out to an Israeli Arab woman I know, and she was shocked. She didn’t know, so how can we expect anyone else out there in the world to know? Maybe we should point this out more often.GERALDINE THEMALKiryat Tivon...and his opponents The disgraceful behavior of protesters voicing their anger at the inauguration of President Donald Trump, typified by the comments reported in “At dawn of the Trump era, two Jewish tribes descend on Washington” (Comment & Features, January 29), brings to mind something we were taught when I was young – admittedly in a different age.In any competition, we were instructed to abide by three rules. First, play hard. Second, play by the rules. Third – and most important – don’t ever be a bad loser.While it’s certainly the case that in the presidential election they played hard, and it might be the case that both sides bent the rules, there can be no excuse for the virulent reaction of the losers. Having so-called public figures such as Madonna calling for the destruction of the White House is way beyond the limits of valid comment.HENRY KAYEAshkelon Hoping for change Hopefully, the times will be changing with the election of US President Donald Trump, considering his affinity to Israel, a Jewish ambassador and advisers to confront the radical Islamist mentality inherent in this region (“The Trump era begins,” Frontlines, January 27).For too long, Israel has put up with Palestinian violence and anarchy. This concocted “people,” with a religion of hate and antagonism supported by inadequate US governments together with similar UN and EU organizations, has been inspired by uncontrolled funding with a lack of transparency. Arab leaders have prospered with rampant corruption, fraud and cronyism. It is a curse for the world.We have dark memories of the catastrophic Oslo Accords, where our gullible and weak political leaders encouraged a gun-toting gangster to create murder and mayhem in our midst, claiming he was our partner for peace.It is now time for common sense, forceful leadership and exceptional management by the Trump administration, not for espousing and promoting a two-state solution when failed states proliferate in the area to the detriment of their – and our – citizens.JACK DAVISJerusalem