For the sake of peace – Sovereignty now

We must be thankful for everything that we have received from the Almighty, but we must continue to broaden and deepen the foundations of sovereignty in all areas of the Land.

A girl holds an Israeli flag on a hilltop near the Maaleh Adumim settlement (photo credit: REUTERS)
A girl holds an Israeli flag on a hilltop near the Maaleh Adumim settlement
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Almost 50 years have passed since we returned to the ancient parts of the Land of Israel, the cradle of the Jewish people, but we have not yet determined its legal status.
The Land of Israel is tired of being the State of Israel’s “mistress.” The time has come for the children who were born into this situation, of communities and outposts, to also become legitimate children, too. The current situation does no honor to Israel. The time has come for a proper marriage between the state and the land; the time has come for the application of sovereignty in public and with pride, and to recognize the legality of the communities.
Peace, too, is hampered by the lack of sovereignty.
This is true regarding peace in Israel as well as peace in the world. Peace must and can be achieved only with a sovereign Land of Israel. All who believe in the Bible, all over this world, whatever their religion, know this to be true. The eyes of the world are upon us, upon the People of Israel, and it is our responsibility.
“In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Come, let us ascend to the mountain of the Lord’ ... He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths, because the Torah will go out from Zion and the word of God from Jerusalem. And he will judge between the nations and settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation will not lift up sword unto nation and will not learn war anymore” (Isaiah, Chapter 2).
This is the strongest manifesto for peace, the most exalted vision that the entire world can aspire to, and we are able and obligated to realize it.
Without the settlement of the Land of Israel throughout its entire area, without the application of sovereignty and the establishment of a life of Torah and ethics, it will not be possible to achieve the desired peace.
In the weekly Torah portion of Masa’ei, the Torah portion of sovereignty, which we read recently, we encountered the passage that teaches us “and you shall inherit the Land and dwell in it because I have given the Land for an inheritance to you.”
The Ramban defines the meaning of this commandment of inheritance that was given to the People of Israel as the removal of foreign sovereignty and control over the Land of Israel and changing it to the people of Israel’s sovereignty over itself.
The Ramban states that the commandment is incumbent upon us as a positive commandment from the Torah to establish a Jewish state in the Land of Israel; there is a commandment from the Torah to establish a Jewish, Israeli regime in the land.

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The presence of many Jews living in the Land of Israel is an important value and we are commanded to settle the land and keep our commitment not to abandon it to desolation, but keeping this commandment to settle the land is still not enough to provide the land with its appropriate validity and integrity.
National sovereignty of the people of Israel in the Land of Israel, sovereignty in which the people of Israel applies its sovereignty over the land and conducts its own defense, judicial system, education, economy, society, welfare and health within it, according to the Torah way, is the realization of the triple threads of Torah, people and land.
Only thus does the divine ideal rule, only then will the prophecy be established: “they will beat their swords into pruning hooks.”
A state of the people of Israel in the Land of Israel is not purely a means of survival, but a phase in the development of world peace.
We must be thankful for everything that we have received from the Almighty, but we must continue to broaden and deepen the foundations of sovereignty in all areas of the Land.
Thank God, in recent years, more and more people are talking about and acting on sovereignty; we thank the members of the Land of Israel Lobby in the Knesset and its heads, MKs Yoav Kish and Bezalel Smotrich, along with the director of the lobby, Orit Struk.
And the Almighty is mobilized too, helping and organizing things, causing the world to understand who is good and who is bad, who is evil who sanctifies death and against whom we are fighting.
In England, recently, a pro-Israeli prime minister was elected and in the United States, the Republican platform has been changed in a way favorable to Israel and our Land. The old Middle East is disintegrating. States are disappearing and all knowledgeable people who open their eyes see the changes clearly also understand what the necessary change must entail.
We are the world’s conscience. The Oslo Accords were a terrible mistake. These accords gave disastrous legitimacy to the terrorists, gave legitimacy to the two-state delusion and brought chaos and confusion to the land and to the world.
We must return to the true path, to the basic statement that claims that the Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel, to continue to deepen and penetrate the national consciousness with the idea that the application of sovereignty is the key to peace. Issue 7 of the Sovereignty Journal, which was published recently, is a continuation of this important task. The application of sovereignty is a goal of Zionism today. Request and distribute copies of the journal and with the Almighty’s help we will arise and ascend! (written originally in Hebrew. Translated into English by Sally Zahav.) The author is a resident of Kiryat Arba, former principal of the Kiryat Arba/Hevron Teachers’ seminary, and co-chair of Women in Green.