What if those doing the jeering at the Western Wall had been among those who left Egypt with Moses during the Exodus?
By LETTERS TO THE EDITORLetters(photo credit: REUTERS)
As I read your report about the latest fracas at the Western Wall (“Women of the Wall jeered during monthly Rosh Hodesh prayers,” July 25), I played a mental “what if” game.What if those doing the jeering had been among those who left Egypt with Moses during the Exodus? When Moses’s sister Miriam took the women aside to sing their Song of the Sea (enhanced with musical instruments, no less), would they have jeered Miriam’s cohort as well? Then again, as the Midrash tells us that some 80% of the Jewish people were “terminated” by God during the plague of darkness, such jeerers would likely not be around to treat fellow Jews, male or female, in such a despicable fashion.MICHAEL D. HIRSCHKochav Yair Checkered history With regard to “An anachronistic censor?” (Editorial, July 25), which addressed the blackout initially imposed in Israel on news of an attack on an Israeli embassy security officer in Amman despite the fact that foreign news outlets were reporting freely, censorship has had a checkered history in Israel.The initial news blackout at the beginning of the Six Day War was critically important in that it allowed the Arabs to delude themselves (with the brain-dead complicity of the BBC) into another defeat.Censorship to prevent the leak of important secret information can certainly make sense.But as you mention, it is senseless to clam up when the facts have already appeared in every news medium on the planet, and in so doing, leave the pulpit to the tender mercies of our enemies.TREVOR DAVIS
Aseret Delighted reader Thirty-three years ago, when I was in a course to become a guide at the Israel Museum (I am still a guide there), one of our required readings was Palestine Before the Hebrews by Emmanuel Anati. It taught me about Har Karkom, petroglyphs and so much more. It is still on my special “treasured books” shelf.How delighted I was to read in “Digging deeper” (Arts & Entertainment, July 25) that one of my archeological heroes is alive and well and living in Israel! Thank you for that wonderful article about Prof. Anati and his brothers.ANITA ELLISJerusalem Maccabiah thanksHaving just returned from the 20th Maccabiah Games, I am still walking on clouds.So is the entire US delegation of 1,130, plus another 320 parents and supporters who were in Israel.I wish to thank everyone involved in hosting the games for the passionate work put in to make it happen.Literally, thousands of hours were given to this important project, and we appreciate the efforts of the volunteers, staff and professionals.They were so passionate about the value of the Maccabiah Games.It was also great to see Israelis rally around the Maccabiah with great enthusiasm. They crowded in to see the gymnastics competition, with standing- room only. The finals in ice hockey had over 7,000 in attendance. Over one million people viewed the exciting opening ceremony in Jerusalem on July 6.Working with fine organizations like Maccabi World Union, Kfar Maccabiah, Archeological Seminars and Stand With Us, our impact was increased tremendously.Yet the sweetest part was meeting fellow athletes from around the world, especially the Israelis. The bond created to the land and the people of Israel touches us in a way that is profound. Everyone returned with a greater appreciation and affection for Israel.Thank you to everyone involved. And thank you to The Jerusalem Post for the great coverage.JED MARGOLISPhiladelphiaThe writer is executive director of Maccabi USA.CORRECTION Unlike what was stated in “Israel caught in a trap of its own making” (Comment & Features, July 27), Daniel Pipes is affiliated with the Middle East Forum.