In response to “UNESCO set to reject Israeli sovereignty on all of Jerusalem” (April 28), we can create a new term to describe the era we are living in: post-civilization.
‘Post-civilization’In response to “UNESCO set to reject Israeli sovereignty on all of Jerusalem” (April 28), we can create a new term to describe the era we are living in: post-civilization.As the generation growing up when the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became known passes from the scene, and as the Jewish state is getting ready to celebrate the anniversary of its establishment in response to unimaginably brutal European persecution, modern, post-civilization Europeans are once again trying to erase the Jewish connection to planet Earth.BARRY LEONARD WERNER NetanyaCollective paybackRegarding “Pope heads to Egypt as Christians flee Middle East” (International News, April 28), for centuries, the Christians of the Middle East have sided with the Muslims in violent and often lethal actions against the Jews that frequently were facilitated and encouraged by the pronouncements and doctrines of other organized Christian churches (Pope Francis’s own Roman Catholic Church and, of late, the Presbyterian Church).We are now witnessing a long overdue collective payback to the Middle East’s Christians, who are being turned against by the Muslims they have backed (and, in many instances, continue to back) against the Jews. Yet Jews do not celebrate the current misfortunes of the Middle East; we do not dance in the streets and hand out candy in jubilation.KALMAN H. RYESKY Petah TikvaA few suggestionsYour April 28 editorial “Getting away with murder” deals with the Palestinian Authority’s use of funds supplied by the United States and many other countries.
It points out that most of these funds are used to support terrorism and reward the terrorists and their families for these acts. It suggests that the US Congress is considering reducing or canceling grants unless the PA chooses between supporting terrorism and “investing in better governance” – though nothing is mentioned as to what would represent good governance.I would like to suggest what the PA should and could do to benefit its citizens and justify the enormous grants it receives.It says it wants a state but never comes to serious discussions with Israel as to achieving that state. It should use the funds to set up a state.First, the Palestinians should build their own settlements in Area A. They have built one city and they should build many, many more to provide decent housing for their citizens and house some of the “refugees” they want repatriated.Then they should establish industries to manufacture products they could use or export. This would provide places to work for the large number of unemployed and the large number of Palestinians who enter Israel every day to find work.They should also finance the development of agricultural areas to grow their own produce and build hospitals and medical facilities to provide proper health care to their citizens.These and other steps, if taken, would be the start of a state.There is nothing to prevent the Palestinian Authority from doing what is outlined. If it did this, its foreign supporters would not be considering canceling or reducing their grants, but would most enthusiastically increase them. This would be a major step toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.Yet it is not solely a lack of funding that is preventing the Palestinians from establishing a state; it is their all-or-nothing policy.If they started to use the funds granted to them in a positive way and stopped supporting and rewarding terrorism against Israelis, it would be a giant step to ending the Middle East crisis.JEROME POLLOCK Modi’inPhillips’s gemI always enjoy reading Melanie Phillips’s columns, and “The British Foreign Office remains true to type” (As I See It, April 28) is a gem. She reminds us of the ludicrous demand made by the Palestinian Authority to the British government to apologize for the Balfour Declaration. I mean, what was it thinking? Should the British government ask the 13 American colonies to apologize for the Declaration of Independence? Should the American government ask Mexico to apologize for the Alamo? But for me, the best part where she debunks the notion of a Palestinian people, that a group of Arabs decide to call themselves “Palestinians,” hoping to thereby establish a non-existing claim to Judea, Samaria, east Jerusalem and who knows what next. (Actually, we all know.) Thank you, Ms. Phillips.RICHARD SPITZBERG Tel AvivShortsighted statsWith regard to the stats in Boaz Ganor’s “President Trump’s 100- day test” (Observations, April 28), we’re only 6.8% of the way into his term.DANIEL ABELMAN JerusalemRefreshing changeThank you for publishing David M. Weinberg’s “Letter from a tomato” (Know Comment, April 28), the most creative, inspiring article in the weekend paper.Weinberg’s variation on Rabbi Sholom Gold’s theme focusing on the beauty and benevolence of Israel’s agriculture is a winner. Like a symphony orchestra that bursts forth for an audience, Israeli produce has reawakened to the needs of the people – the returnees to the land – as promised by the Creator.For a refreshing change, I sat back in my chair and smiled at the thought that our cup nearly runneth over.May Israel continue to benefit from its bounteous growth from one birthday to the next!FAIGIE HEIMAN JerusalemToo dangerousThe article “The Chinese construction workers are coming...but they’re not going to work beyond the Green Line” (April 24) informs us that for reasons of personal safety, these employees will work only in areas agreed upon by the parties from time to time.I assume that this will preclude working in places proven dangerous for construction workers, such as Israeli construction sites.MERVYN DOOBOV JerusalemFood for thoughtLiat Collins’s revelations about Marwan Barghouti’s hunger strike, ostensibly to obtain better conditions for Palestinian prisoners in Israel (“Hunger-striking, power- hungry and bloodthirsty Barghouti,” My Word, April 21) gives much food for thought.Thanks to Israel’s lack of a death penalty, Barghouti is still around to lead a hunger strike. It’s worth noting that the five people he was convicted of murdering are also on a hunger strike of sorts – but one that will never end. He and his fellow strikers insist on a more liberal family visitation policy, but for his victims and their families, visitation rights will always be restricted – to the cemetery.In considering the demands of Barghouti and his colleagues, let’s remember that their victims were given no opportunity to demand better treatment.RICHARD S. LAUB Buffalo, New YorkThe Arab prisoners who are fasting should be thanked because the food that Israel is saving from their mouths can be transferred to feed poor Israelis. The question is, will the Prisons Authority facilitate that action? URI HIRSCH JerusalemMaking a differenceIsrael’s best interest, both foreign and domestically, is harmed by the pending discontinuation of English TV news.Readers can email acting Minister of Communications Tzachi Hanegbi via to let him know they are opposed to the discontinuation. It might make a difference.LEONARD KAHN Zichron Ya’acov