Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Yosef dynasty
I read of the Mafioso-style pressure by Avraham Yosef, the chief rabbi of Holon, to force merchants to buy from his family’s kosher meat company (“Appeal filed to suspend Holon chief rabbi,” March 1).
Why do the men of the Yosef dynasty persist in doing things that discredit Judaism by their stupid, hateful remarks and criminal grasping for more power? When will the public wake up to the damage this causes in so many aspects of life here?
Doubtful pleasure
I had the doubtful pleasure of listening to British Prime Minister David Cameron when he spat venom on Israel (“Netanyahu hits back at Cameron over Jerusalem comments,” February 26).
By speaking about Jerusalem, Cameron attacked “praying Jews” worldwide with his manner of speaking about the city of Jerusalem and its environs. I have two comments about this.
1. I can only imagine he did this to pander to the Islamic vote.
2. The British prime minister, who has not released Northern Ireland or the sheep farm known as the Falkland Islands, has chutzpah.
He obviously has read neither the Old Testament nor the New Testament, both of which indicate the centrality of Jerusalem to the Jewish people. Both were written before Burak, a mythical horse, was prancing through what is today the Temple Mount.

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When I grew up in Manchester, England, I was taught that silence is golden, and if you didn’t know about a subject, keep quiet.
Obviously, some politicians did not receive such a good education.
The mikve again
After seeing the readers’ letters invoking God in the dispute over the use of a mikve in Beersheba (“Expected more,” February 28; “Mikve’s centrality,” February 23; “The mikve issue,” February 22 ), I understand why the world is such a mess. How can the Supreme Being have time to bring about peace in the world when He is busy worrying that the followers of the wrong rabbi might be granted access to the mikve? NAOMI SANDLER Jerusalem It doesn’t require seven rabbis studying it for seven nights. It’s simple.
Whereas the liberal denominations want a mikve only for conversions, and whereas in Reform Judaism there are no definitions of a mikve, let the state build small structures on public land for this purpose.
Inside, there need only be a simple, deep, heated pool for one (a separate pool is not necessary, as Halacha is not involved); a shower/changing room for one; a screened-off area with a separate door for the “witnesses,” and that’s it.
Use will be by appointment only, with an on-call attendant who also maintains the facility.
As with mikvaot, a similar fee will be charged. The cost to the country will be much less than building a separate area for egalitarian prayer at the Western Wall or the fall of a governing coalition.
CORRECTION In “GOP frantic to stop Trump” (March 3), it was erroneously stated that Franklin Delano Roosevelt had been the “last candidate to become the Republican nominee through a brokered convention.”
A Democrat, Roosevelt was the last person nominated at a brokered convention to go on and win the presidency.
The Democratic convention in question took place in 1932 in Chicago.
In regard to the Capital Calendar box from today’s In Jerusalem supplement, the email for registration and discount is contact@ springsofhope.foundation.
Priority is given to letters that are brief and topical, and which bear the writer’s name and place of residence, as well as the name and date of the Post item being referred to. They may also be edited and shortened. letters@jpost.com