When the Gazans revive their attacks, thus breaking the agreement, their leaders, including Mashaal, will again disappear.
By JERUSALEM POST READERSMashaal’s exposureSir, – Great rejoicing in Gaza! Khaled Mashaal comes in from the cold and, along with the other Hamas leaders, scores a huge propaganda victory (“Mashaal: We will never give up any of Palestine, from the river to the sea,” December 9).This enormous rally received wide coverage in the world media and was made possible by the clause in the latest cease-fire agreement whereby Israel ceases to target Hamas leaders and others.Without this clause they would not have dared leave their underground bunkers.Of course, Mashaal, in front of the replica of a giant rocket, spouted the vile hatred and incitement against Israel that is his usual fare (except when being interviewed on American TV). But not to worry. When the Gazans revive their attacks, thus breaking the agreement, their leaders, including Mashaal, will again disappear.I. SRUL ZUNDERRamat HasharonSir, – Khaled Mashaal goes to Gaza and tells the world the Palestinians will never give up on a state from the river to the sea, and that they will never recognize Israel.I say shame on you, Obama; shame on you, Hague; shame on you, Blair; shame on you, Clinton; and shame on you Ban.Why has none of you condemned Mashaal’s incitement? Oh, I apologize. Obviously, building a few homes is far worse!MICHAEL PLASKOWNetanyaZoabi’s choice
Sir, – MK Haneen Zoabi (“Zoabi: If Balad’s banned, Arabs won’t vote,” December 9) would significantly increase the likelihood of her survival as a Knesset member if she addressed the crucial social and economic needs of her constituency instead of constantly inflating her personal political status while undermining Israel, the country she supposedly represents.This scenario would most probably ensure that fewer Arab voters would abstain from casting their votes in the forthcoming elections.GISH TRUMAN ROBBINSPardesiyaHijacking in EgyptSir, – Concerning the December 6 articles “The first flower of the Arab Spring” (Comment & Features) and “The death of Egyptian democracy” (Washington Watch), Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood Islamists are attempting to hijack the first blooms of Egyptian democracy.We must remember that in Germany in the 1930s, Adolf Hitler was also democratically elected. No sooner had he come to power that he proceeded to trash any vestige of German democracy and install himself and his vicious Nazis as absolute rulers.Fortunately, the Egyptian people are trying to prevent this from happening there by massing in protest in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. Western democracies, including the United States, should do everything possible to nurture this opposition before it is too late.HAIM M. LERNERGanei TikvaSir, – The situation in Egypt is fraught with danger. The ordinary Egyptian does not want a Muslim Brotherhood dictatorship – he wants food and butter, not bullets. He did not dispose of Hosni Mubarak in order to get a more brutal version.The United States has made a catastrophic mistake in handling Egypt. A Muslim dictatorship cannot fulfill the needs of the people. The US was so anxious to prevent Israel from achieving its goals in Gaza that it perceived Morsi as the answer for a ceasefire.Morsi then proceeded with the carte blanche he had received from the US, knowing he could become a ruthless dictator.Ordinary Egyptians need to know that there will be some sort of democracy and that the Muslim Brotherhood is not the answer for a better life.TOBY WILLIGJerusalemNo surprise thereSir, – Isi Leibler (“Australia tilts against Israel,” Candidly Speaking, December 6) expresses surprise about “two countries considered solid supporters of Israel abandoning us at the crucial moment.” He is right, that this is a crucial moment, but he should not be surprised.About a year ago Leibler astutely pointed to a major flaw in Israel’s engaging in the media war. His conclusion was that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu “must, as a matter of urgency, personally intervene to guarantee that government information offices are staffed by personnel who are sufficiently competent to control such issues in a skilled and professional manner.”That this has not happened is obvious to any serious follower of the media.ALEX ROSEAshkelonSir, – Isi Leibler’s incisive, comprehensive analysis of the E1 international brouhaha tells it like it is. If only the world would wake up, open its eyes and listen!TAMAR H. KAGANJerusalem80 years and countingSir, – I am a regular reader of your wonderful newspaper, and have been for many years.I feel the need to congratulate you and your exceptional staff for a brilliant special publication.The 80th Anniversary Supplement (December 7) is sure to become a collector’s item.JACK SIMONRa’ananaSir, – Congratulations to Greer Fay Cashman and all her supporting staff for a wonderful and informative anniversary supplement.JUD FRAMERa’ananaSir, – Your 80th Anniversary Supplement fascinatingly reminded me of my days as a night editor at the Post in the 1950s. But I was saddened to find no mention of the deputy editor of those days, Arthur Saul Super.The Post was immensely fortunate to have the services of this gifted and experienced editor and writer, whom I watched saving the paper from the foul-ups of those above him who should have known better. He was the troubleshooter who within minutes would alter the main page set-up and headline when dramatic news came in rendering it irrelevant, just as the paper was being put to bed.His absence from the pages of your supplement reminded me of the comment in Ecclesiastes (9:14- 15): “A small town with few inhabitants was besieged by a mighty king. Fortunately there was found in the town a not-so-important wise man who by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no one remembered him.”ARYEH NEWMANJerusalemSir, – To all the contributors to your 80th Anniversary Supplement, a big thank you. It was fascinating to read the stories of so many of your veteran reporters and learn about the human side of your staff, which has kept us knowledgeable and interested for so many years.I have been a loyal reader for 40 years (as well as a sometime contributor), and the Post is just one year younger than I am. I can’t start my day without you.The Jerusalem Post is like a friend who is always welcome and warmly anticipated.DVORA WAYSMANJerusalemSir, – I read through the 80th Anniversary Supplement. There was a lot of self-praise for staff and editors, but not a word about the freelancers who have written for the Post over the years.Some of us have interesting, even hilarious, stories about dialogues with editors, interviews and events in the course of our work.The contribution of home-based freelancers is an asset to any newspaper because most are qualified in other professional fields and can add a dimension that is more specialized than that of the staff writers. Some of your editors used that asset and worked with us as a team. Without tenure, perks or expenses, we found our stories and met our deadlines.WENDY BLUMFIELDHaifa