Change of paceSir, – I usually read Larry Derfner’s columns much like a person who sees a road accident – I want to look but I don’t want to look. I find that I disagree – vehemently – with almost everything he writes. However, for his latest piece (“The Palestinian victim mentality,” Rattling the Cage, March 17) I must say he did a magnificent job!His words about the pathetic response from the Arab world and, most significantly, from the Palestinians regarding the Fogel family killings is worthy of great praise. The underwhelming condemnations and the lack of acceptance of true responsibility, the immediate use of the word “but” and the endless falling back on the excuse of “occupation” are all indicative of a lack of societal ability to take responsibility for enabling a despicable murder.Thank you, Larry!
ZE’EV M. SHANDALOV Ma’aleh AdumimWorse than just PC Sir, – Isi Leibler’s “A Jewish- Muslim alliance?” (Candidly Speaking, March 17) strikes a responsive chord concerning our Supreme Court’s judicature of the profiling procedure used at our airports.Hopefully, the Court will understand Leibler’s telling statement: “Refusing to implement profiling...not only represents an appalling form of political correctness, but endangers innocent life and lacks any moral justification.”
ALBERT RETTIG Tel Aviv Sir, – Isi Leibler asserts quite correctly that “we are obliged to fervently oppose discrimination or persecution of law-abiding Muslims and collaborate with genuinely moderate Muslim leaders.” That is indeed what the World Jewish Congress strives to accomplish as part of its interfaith programs around the world.Our policy is clear: We vigorously attack Radical Islam while reaching out to those moderate Muslims willing to participate in dialogue.However, we are neither naïve nor craven in our endeavors, as Leibler seems to imply. We vet those Muslims who engage with us and we reject those who do not denounce terrorism or are in any way reputed to be associated with extremist groups. Leibler is right to urge caution. But he should rest assured that we will not countenance engagement with those who endorse violence against our people either in Israel or the Diaspora.
MICHAEL SCHNEIDER New York The writer is secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress
Over there, tooSir, – Michael Freund eloquently asserts that “We are all settlers” (Fundamentally Freund, March 17). How true.A few weeks ago I attended an Israel night at the University of Vermont that was sponsored by a local organization of Christians and Jews as part of a fundraiser for ZAKA, the Israeli rescue squad. In order to enter the auditorium we had to pass through a large and raucous gauntlet of student demonstrators who were screaming “Genocide! Murderers!”There’s no escaping it: Even in Vermont we are all settlers.
DAVID KATCOFF Jericho, VermontNo excuse Sir, – I read with awe and admiration the moving story of Monique Buzhish (“Monique’s revenge,” Comment & Features, March 17). But why, oh why, does journalist Frucht write “as relatives would later say, [the terrorist] was upset by the number of Palestinians killed by IDF,” as if to offer up some explanation for this murderous act?There can be no “because” to justify any terrorist attack. This heinous behavior is learned from the earliest age and is action, not reaction.SHOSHANA WEINSTEIN Kfar Adumim
Collective satisfactionSir, – Seth J. Frantzman has a point (“The decline of the Israel Prize,” Terra Incognita, March 16). When someone receives the Israel Prize, the whole nation should say, “What a good choice!”Israel has so many high-minded, inspiring citizens – not just those who hit the headlines, but those on whose merits the whole quality of our society rests. And we all know some who fit into both categories, who are both famous and quiet achievers.Does the Israel Prize committee have any community input? Do members of the public have the right to send in nominations? And do we have any influence on the make-up of the prize committee itself?RABBI RAYMOND APPLE Jerusalem
A further pleaSir, – Suzanne Singer’s eloquent plea (“Can loss become life?,” Comment & Features, March 13) that Larry Roth’s death “spur Jerusalem to create the first comprehensive plan for fighting the war against road carnage” merits the support of everyone.As the individual privileged to claim Larry Roth, the personification of the teachings of Pirkei Avot, as my first mehutan (inlaw), I wish to offer two proposals regarding bus travel.A law should be passed without delay requiring that Egged and other bus drivers not proceed from any bus stop until the completion of fare collection and ticket punching. In addition, these personnel should not be permitted to talk on cell phones while driving.Heavy penalties should be meted out to each transgressor. Such measures would lead these drivers to pay more attention to traffic and pedestrians.MONTY NOAM PENKOWER Jerusalem
Direct to consumerSir, – We read about a new flotilla to protest shortages in the Gaza Strip (“New flotilla may head to Gaza in May,” March 9) while Gazans sell excess food to Egypt (“Tunnels used to smuggle goods to Egypt from Gaza,” February 4). So, what say the organizers of the flotilla cut out the middleman and head straight for Egypt?
YONATAN SILVER JerusalemEsther as example Sir, – According to the Talmud, Queen Esther, the heroine of the Purim story, was a vegetarian while she lived in the palace of King Ahashverus in order to avoid violating the kosher dietary laws while keeping her Jewish identity secret. Therefore, Purim is an ideal time for Jews to consider a shift toward vegetarian diets.This dietary change would best apply important Jewish mandates to preserve our health, treat animals with compassion, protect the environment, conserve natural resources, help hungry people and pursue a more peaceful, less violent world.While Purim commemorates the triumph of the Jews in ancient Persia over their oppressors, a shift toward plant-based diets would enable contemporary Jews to reverse current threats from an epidemic of disease related to animal-based diets and the many environmental problems related to modern intensive animal-based agriculture. This is especially important now as Israel suffers from the worst drought in its history and climate experts warn of severe heat waves, flooding, storms and inundation from a rising Mediterranean due to global warming.
RICHARD SCHWARTZNew YorkThe writer is president of Jewish Vegetarians of North America