March 31: Prisoner release

Every normal-thinking MK, and not just the Likud’s Danny Danon, should quit the government if the prime minister is still thinking of releasing prisoners.

Letters 370 (photo credit: REUTERS)
Letters 370
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Prisoner release
Sir, – Regarding “Talks in crisis as Israel misses deadline for fourth prisoner release” (March 30), an expiation in Yiddish goes “When a worm eats its way into a radish, it thinks it’s sweet,” meaning that if one is in a rotten situation long enough, he loses all conception of right and wrong.
This is Israel’s situation regarding the release of dedicated killers in misbegotten deals. We have accepted this idea – which is so immoral, so insane – for so long that our leaders have lost the ability to think.
Every normal-thinking MK, and not just the Likud’s Danny Danon, should quit the government if the prime minister is still thinking of releasing prisoners.
Sir, – If we have no choice but to swallow the bitter pill that is the release of Israeli citizens tried and convicted of committing terrorist atrocities, I suggest that from the moment they step out of prison their Israeli citizenship be canceled.
Their actions have demonstrated that their loyalties lie with those whose avowed goal is the destruction of the State of Israel, and in so doing they have abrogated any right to the privileges of citizenship.

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Ramat Yishai
Sir, – It is not surprising that so many people in the world believe the “peace talks” with the Palestinians are being thwarted largely by the Israeli side when the front page of the main English-language newspaper in Israel reflects this by trumpeting “Talks in crisis as Israel misses deadline for fourth prisoner release.”
A slight change in wording, such as “Talks in crisis as Israel delays fourth prisoner release,” would more accurately reflect the details in the story that follows and not blatantly indicate that the Israeli side is to blame.
In addition to responding constructively to attempts to delegitimize Israel on the international stage, we need to be cautious and constructive in how we present ourselves to that stage.
Pontifical problems?
Sir, – You report on the itinerary for the upcoming visit here by the pope (“Pope Francis’s schedule for visit Israel and the region unveiled,” March 28).
His “visit” to the Temple Mount should be clarified. The pontiff will definitely be wearing his papal outfit, which includes a crucifix with the engraved image of Jesus around his neck, and one on his ring. We do not know if he will genuflect at the site.
Both actions are anathema to Jews and Muslims. The cross and image are idolatry. Genuflection is prayer, which is not allowed for Jews and other non-Muslims.
This visit is froth with difficulties and may cause major security, political and religious problems.
Hatzor Haglilit
Love in vain
Sir, – Regarding “Bayit Yehudi MK: Rolling Stones fans can’t get no satisfaction on Shavuot” (March 28), for 50 years I have been craving to see the Rolling Stones. At last they are coming, but exactly as the Shavuot holiday ends. Maybe the Good Lord will deliver me from Netanya to Tel Aviv, park my car and get me into the park, all in 10 minutes! DONALD GOUGH Netanya Sir, – I totally agree with MK Nissan Slomiansky’s daughters.
Don’t concert promoters have a Hebrew calendar with all the Jewish holidays? Cliff Richard’s concert was during the nine days leading up to Tisha Be’av, thus preventing us religious folks from going to see him, too! Just because we keep Shabbat, the holidays and everything else doesn’t mean we don’t love music!
Worthless paper
Sir, – Reading Gershon Baskin’s utopian “Framework document for the establishment of permanent peace (part 2 of 3)” (Encountering Peace, March 27), I honestly don’t know whether to laugh or cry. He paints a scenario where two peoples equally wanting peace equally share in the giving.
Doesn’t Mr. Baskin envision that to implement his Shangri-La we first and foremost have to hear loud and clear that the peace-wanting other side recognizes us as a Jewish state, stops teaching children just starting school that the Jewish people never had roots here (with all the archeological finds consistently proving otherwise), stops poisoning the minds of young people by saying we’re usurpers and have to leave, and stops making up myths that deny the Holocaust in its full capacity? Without this, how ridiculous it is to think that his framework will be worth the paper it’s written on! NAOMI FEINSTEIN Nordiya Watertight argument Sir, – Concerning “Loose lips sink ships” (Washington Watch, March 27), it would be hard for anyone to deny that Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon’s intelligence, analytic capabilities and understanding about defense and security issues are far superior to those of US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry.
Should Israel’s leaders keep their mouths shut when they are pressured by America to accept another disastrous and failed policy? Speaking out against such pressure will save, not sink, our ship of state.
Not a fait accompli
Sir, – Your newspaper recently carried an article titled “LGC aims to mine phosphate off Namibia” (Business & Finance, March 26). Several aspects need clarification.
The article could bring its readers under the impression that the mining is a fait accompli. On the contrary, it is not and will not be for a considerable time.
It is imperative to note that the period of the moratorium will indeed be three years, with an extension not excluded. Only once the moratorium has ended will environmental clearances be granted.
The Leviev Group (LGC) does not have clearance yet for any activity or construction. Only when the moratorium has ended will it be able to present an application for such clearance.
The Namibian Government will not be forced into any decision by anyone, nor will it allow anyone to circumvent its decisions.
It will enforce its decisions vigorously, and it is for international investors such as LGC to abide by those decisions.
Swakopmund, Namibia
The writer is responsible for media relations for Swakopmund Matters, a Namibian environmental group
A proper accounting
Sir, – Once again, the public is victim to the antics of some of our “over-ardent” MKs with last week’s switch to Daylight Saving Time.
It would be nice if for once the public received a detailed account as to how this timechange “saves” millions of shekels.
How and where are those “millions” saved? There is one basic fact that is never spoken of, namely, however much we change our clocks, nature does not change. If generally the hottest part of the day is from 11a.m. to 4 p.m., it simply becomes noon to 5 p.m. As most people leave work between 3 and 4 p.m., it means that thousands of air-cooling devices are in use. Funny that it is only during very hot weather we are warned of brown-outs or blackouts because the Israel Electric Corporation is working near full capacity. On the other hand, when people rise early they have to use electricity, as it is still dark.
By the way, last week one of our news channels reported that many Israelis and Israeli companies now deposit shekels in foreign banks, as the interest paid there is higher.
Among those mentioned was the IEC. If it is in financial difficulties and has to raise its tariffs, how come it has so much money to deposit overseas?