March 9: Leibler's Wrong

I do not know where Leibler obtained his information, but it can only have been from some corner of the UK that is by far the exception to the country as a whole.

Leibler’s wrong
Sir, – Isi Leibler (“Anglo Jewish leaders and ‘trembling Israelites,’” Candidly Speaking, March 8) would give the impression that the United Kingdom is on a par with Germany in the earlier days of Nazism. I am astonished that the whole of the front page of your opinions section should be devoted to an article that is so far from the truth and realities.
I was lucky enough to be born in England, where I was at school and university, and served overseas as an officer in the British Army in World War II. In civilian life I was a solicitor and one of the first six in the country to be appointed to serve as a judge. I was heavily involved in local politics, for which I was not paid, and I was the leader of my party and council.
I could go on, but I am not writing to show what I was fortunate enough to achieve, but to show that Leibler is living in a dream world.
It was well known that I was Jewish. My name made that abundantly clear.
When I was mayor of my town (a purely ceremonial post) my catering was kosher and the chaplain was my rabbi. He made the Motzei blessing over bread in Hebrew, on my instructions, before banquets.
I have no doubt that there is some anti-Semitism from time to time in some parts of the UK, but Leibler’s exaggerations are almost beyond belief. To state that “it may be time to leave” underlines his misapprehensions.
My wife and I live half the year in England and half the year in Israel. Our non- Jewish friends look after our house while we are away.
We come to Israel not for fear of anti-Semitism, but because we have close family here – a daughter, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren – and a deep love of Israel that goes back to our first visit in 1964.
I do not know where Leibler obtained his information, but it can only have been from some corner of the UK that is by far the exception to the country as a whole.

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Sir, – Isi Leibler’s attacks upon UK Jewish leaders and institutions are based upon hearsay and fabricated quotes rather than any attempt to engage with our organizations and learn about our work.
We were actually supportive of Stand With Us UK in relation to the incident he describes. The quote he attributes to me is fabricated.
His claim that we do not support Ronnie Fraser’s legal action is also inaccurate.
The writer is chief executive of the Jewish Leadership Council
Sir, – As an Israeli subscriber to The Jerusalem Post for well over 30 years, I want to commend you for including such regular local contributors as Isi Leibler and Gil Troy. Each has his unique background and experience, and each writes articulately and succinctly.
Barry Rubin is our local expert on the Israeli-Arab situation.
We appreciate being regularly informed by their research, and by the frequent supplements of your staff writers.
True assets
Sir, – I’m delighted to read that Mitt Romney would “station more navel assets in the vicinity of Iran” if he becomes US president (“Republicans slam Obama on Iran, March 7).
I can see it now – hundreds of beautiful, gyrating women baring their bellies off the coast of ancient Persia, entertaining us in ways that Vashti wouldn’t have dared. Finally, a reason to vote for Romney.
JOEL RUTMAN Zichron Ya’acov
In “British investors in haredi housing project awarded NIS 7.5 million plus interest” (March 1), Forum Architects was named as a defendant in a law suit brought before the Tel Aviv District Court. The full name of the firm that was sued was Forum Architects and Town Planners Ltd. A firm with a similar name, E.G.M.O Forum Architects and Consultants Ltd., also known as Forum Architects, was not connected with the affair in any way.