October 11: Handling the UN

There is only one way to deal with this, and that is for all 70 democratic nations to withdraw their membership.

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Handling the UN
In your editorial “Fundamentally flawed” (September 29), you correctly describe the absurdity and vicious nature of the United Nations.
There is only one way to deal with this, and that is for all 70 democratic nations to withdraw their membership. This would leave the remaining 123 dictatorships to fend for themselves.
Petah Tikva
Your scathing editorial on the United Nations’s grotesquely twisted resolution regarding the Temple Mount disturbances (“UN bias,” September 27), while fully justified, mistakenly targets a nonexistent entity.
The UN has no individual persona.
The Security Council is a collection of separate nation-states, and it’s the passivity of the permanent members – particularly the US, UK and France – that calls for unqualified condemnation.
These are nations that know the true situation yet lack the courage to behave and speak honestly as they cower under the power of Islamic dominance. They are clearly beyond redemption, and no one and nothing will shift their perceived need to dance to the tune of the Muslim majority, for whom lying is second nature.

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The UN is now, and has been for some years, a forum for anti-Semitism and the destruction of western democracy. History and fact are of no interest to its purveyors of hate.
Unless there appears on the scene a Winston Churchill, democracy is doomed, helped to its death by those who believe in human goodness. How can one expect goodness in any shape or form from a faith that proclaims Allah as the universal deity while Sunnis happily kill Shi’ites, and vice versa? Do tell us what is different today.
And please, wake up, Jerusalem Post, before it is too late.
False prophet?
With regard to “Pope Francis takes New York” (September 27), the pontiff’s first visit to the US was marked by much excitement. However, rather than conveying biblical teachings, he spent most of his time discussing secular issues like global warming and illegal immigration.
Another mystery is why “God’s messenger” conducted meetings with world leaders and made a speech at the United Nations, which opposes Judeo-Christian traditions.
He also appeared to bask in the attention given by large crowds, the media and celebrities like singer Aretha Franklin and actor Mark Wahlberg, rather than direct his flock to worship God.
In contrast to the pope’s lavish lifestyle, observers of God’s word face persecution or martyrdom.
Sadly, unless Francis becomes God-centered, his legacy could be that of a false prophet.
Rochester, New York
Seeing it through
With regard to Caroline B. Glick’s “Israel’s democratic crisis” (Column One, September 25), added to the undemocratic conduct of minority Knesset parties and religious bodies, Israel, regrettably, cannot proclaim itself to be a democratic state with freedom of religion, speech and equal rights for all.
There is no freedom of religion. I accept that the recognized religion of the state is Orthodox Judaism, but until there is recognition of the various other forms of Judaism, it cannot be said that there is freedom of religion.
We have an idealistic system of election that doesn’t work. It only gives power to minority parties, which are often controlled by unelected supremos, enabling the majority to be blackmailed.
Is there no person out there who has the courage to stand up and refuse to accept the current situation, and then change it? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had the opportunity in the last Knesset, but didn’t have the guts to see it through.
Misguided sermon
Shmuley Boteach (“Those who were silent on Iran,” No Holds Barred, September 22) strangely chose to sermonize to New Jersey State Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg regarding her support for the Iran agreement, despite her not having received all the classified information. Yet she is only a state legislator, and her opinion has no impact.
I find it most disconcerting that Rabbi Boteach did not direct his disappointment toward the main character, New Jersey’s US senator, Corey Booker, who admitted in his statement supporting the deal that Iran wants to destroy the United States and we should expect Tehran to cheat. It appears that Sen.
Booker chose political expediency over rational moral conscience. His opposition to the deal could have had a tremendous impact on other Democratic senators.
Rabbi Boteach has been telling us for the longest time how dedicated Corey Booker is to Israel’s existence and well-being. Nevertheless, it appears that his Oxford student and protégé could use some further education regarding moral integrity.
Going quiet
Israel has been disturbingly quiet lately. What are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his confederates up to? Russia is reestablishing itself in Syria, making it once again a marquee client state. This development is manifestly very disconcerting to Israelis. Hopefully, their leaders are not about to adversely react.
But we still have Iran. The American- Iranian agreement has been tacitly approved by Congress, and it’s just a matter of time before policy implementation. The Israeli government has obstreperously and vehemently objected to the finalization of this bilateral nuclear rapprochement.
Is it currently in the planning stage for attacking Iran’s nuclear infrastructure? When politicians yell and scream over an issue, we know things are okay. When they suddenly go quiet, something’s up. That’s when every alarm bell should be ringing.
Most assuredly, that time is now.
Terre Haute, Indiana
Try these solutions
Apropos trying to find a suitable way to control violent Palestinian youths without all the do-gooders yelling this and that: Just as one uses a anesthetic dart to temporally knock out an animal, why don’t we use this method to control the vandals, and then transfer them to prison or administrative detention without our poor police being harassed and attacked? We should use this method on Mount of Olives. What is taking place at the ancient Jewish cemetery there is outrageous. One cannot visit a grave without an armed guard.
We decry what Islamic State is doing to all the antiquities, but no one cries for our dead. It’s time we stopped pussyfooting around and did something to make these yobos think twice before repeating their behavior.
Petah Tikva
There is a simple solution to the rock-throwing terrorists plaguing Jerusalem and much of the West Bank – permanent administrative detention in the Gaza Strip.
The terrorists should be apprehended by tasers or tranquilizer guns, and then transported by helicopter for drop-off in the Gaza Strip. The rock throwing and other forms of terrorism would probably stop very quickly after the first few days of such drop-offs.
The endless stream of Muslim refugees to Europe can be a historic opportunity to solve the Gaza problem.
Since most of Gaza’s inhabitants live in intolerable conditions and under the suppression of Hamas, it is their full right to emigrate and join the migration to Europe. Israel should provide them with proper boats and vessels that will bring them safely to the coast of Greece.
Since the Palestinians are “suppressed” refugees who enjoy overall sympathy in Europe, I am sure they will be most welcome.
For Gaza, it will be a big economic alleviation to lower the population density, which is often said to be among the highest in the world.