September 4: Capitulations

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Two Jerusalem Post articles – “IDF: Hamas seizing imports for tunnel construction” (September 2) and “Turkish delegation here to propose W. Bank industrial zone” (September 1) – clearly indicate why Israel is its own worst enemy. The first reports that materials designed for civilian reconstruction projects in Gaza are once again being diverted to terrorist projects. The second states unambiguously that the project is backed by Israel.
Knowing that our construction materials are being diverted to a program that seriously challenges our future security, surely we are remiss in continuing our assistance without incontrovertible evidence that those materials are going to the intended beneficiaries for the intended purposes.
Similarly, why would we provide trade advantages to the Palestinians as long as they are in the forefront of efforts to impose trade disadvantages on Israel via the BDS movement? Any thinking person would insist that eliminating trade barriers is a two-way street, conditioning the former on the complete and permanent cessation of the latter.
Until such time as our authorities get serious about eliminating these pervasive and inane one-sided capitulations, they will forgive us for not taking their oft-stated security competence seriously.
Food for thought
Judy Montagu’s “Soul food” (In My Own Write, September 2) cites Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s push for a universal Friday night dinner, with its social interaction as a means of enhancing individual and family life in the Western world. It might do more.
In his book The Blue Zone, the American author and explorer Dan Buettner writes about his research into the lifestyles of centenarian communities around the world whose members live to be 100 or older. One of these communities is a group of Seventh Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California, where the (vegan) Friday night meal is a communal event, and Saturday a day of rest.

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Physical exercise and social involvement also feature prominently, but it is fascinating to speculate upon the impact this community’s “Shabbat” has on its members’ psychic health and longevity.
Time is ripe
With regard to “Deri given ultimatum regarding Saturday soccer” (Sports, September 2), the time is ripe to turn Sunday into a legal day off for everyone!
Ginot Shomron
Fast lane
I was bemused by your article “Jerusalem bike sharing scheme faces Shabbat opposition” (September 1).
If bicycles are not kosher for Shabbat, why does almost everyone in Israel ride a bike on Yom Kippur – which is the Shabbat of all Shabbats?
Kiryat Tivon
Proud legacy
Hail to The Jerusalem Post once again for a major article on the country’s endless new archaeological discoveries (“Mysterious 2,000-yearold pyramid-shaped podium found in City of David,” September 1).
Why doesn’t the Post convene a major archaeological conference in Jerusalem? Believe me, it would do far more for our image than any diplomatic conference.
It would bring history to life and verify everything we know about the glories of Israel.
Israeli history is one of moral principle that battles atheism, paganism,empires and tyrants. Civilization won out, and we are all alive to glory in the truth of the Bible, Talmud and Israeli greatness for time immemorial.
Wow! This a legacy to be proud of!
Unlike what was stated in “Regev appeals to Merkel over Barenboim Iran concert” (August 27), the musical, or artistic, director of the Berlin Philharmonic is Sir Simon Rattle, who is also its principle conductor.
Barenboim is general music director of La Scala in Milan, the Berlin State Opera and the Staatskapelle Berlin.