Adipex Reviews - Do You Need Stimulants to Lose Weight?

“Adipex reviews call it the be-all, end all of sustainable weight loss. But is this amphetamine stimulant really the answer? We find out.”

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

People looking to lose weight often bounce into Adipex reviews that call it a “miracle drug”. But is that really the case?

We’ve all been there; you want to lose weight and you want to do it as fast as possible. The problem is, most of the time we resort to fad diets and extreme measures that are not only ineffective but also dangerous to our health.

Adipex is one such prescription medication that will help you lose weight. But weight loss should not be taxing on the body or the mind; it should be a sustainable process. And that’s where Adipex falls short. In this Adipex review, we will try to objectively evaluate the drug and see if it is really an ideal solution for sustainable weight loss.

Top 3 Alternatives to Adipex

  1. PhenQ – Best Alternative to Adipex
  2. PhenGold – Best Non Stimulant Fat Burner
  3. PrimeShred – Best Alternative for Men

What is Adipex?

Adipex, also known as phentermine, is a stimulant that suppresses appetite. It was approved by the FDA in 1959 for short-term use of up to 12 weeks for people who are obese or overweight with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more.

The drug works by releasing chemicals in the brain that control appetite. Adipex is similar to amphetamines and has a high potential for abuse and addiction. That’s why it is only available with a prescription from a certified physician.

Phentermines are widely abused as “diet pills” and are often used for non-medical reasons to lose weight. But most people are unaware of some of the toxic side effects of phentermine, which we will discuss later in this Adipex review.

How Does Adipex Work?

Here's where the problems begin. We understand that appetite suppression is one of the most important mechanisms for weight loss. But the question is, how long can you keep taking stimulants to lose weight?

Adipex works by releasing neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain that control appetite. These neurotransmitters signal a fight-or-flight response in the body, which reduces hunger.

The chemicals work by stimulating the hypothalamus gland and releasing neurotransmitters that send signals to the nervous system. These signals will eventually tell the body to stop eating.

Suppresses hunger

People with a BMI of over 30 generally have metabolic disorders that make it difficult to lose weight. In such cases, appetite suppressants like PhenQ can be helpful in the short term.

Adipex can help reduce cravings for food and make you feel fuller for longer periods of time. This will help you eat less and eventually lose weight.

In one study, it was shown that phentermine can help people lose weight in the short term. The study showed that those who took phentermine for three months lost an average of 13% of their body weight.

Now, while this will help reduce your net calorific intake, there are gentler and more sustainable ways to do so without putting your body through the stress of a daily stimulant.

Moreover, once you stop taking Adipex, the weight will start to come back because you would have not changed your eating habits. In other words, Adipex is not a long-term solution for sustainable weight loss.

Stimulates the Central Nervous system

Phentermine is an amphetamine-like stimulant that acts on the central nervous system (CNS) to release chemicals that control appetite.

The problem is, that when you constantly stimulate your CNS with drugs like Adipex, it will eventually become resistant to the effects of the drug. This is why people who take Adipex for a long time will eventually have to increase their dosage to maintain the stimulatory effects.

When you use a CNS stimulant, your body is constantly in the “fight or flight” mode, which is a stress response. This will eventually lead to adrenal fatigue and other health problems.

There are many other ways to lose weight without putting your body under constant stress. We will discuss some of them later in this Adipex review.

Side Effects of Adipex

Stimulants like amphetamines can help you lose weight. But along with the weight loss, they can also cause some serious side effects.

Adipex can help you lose weight by keeping you alert and reducing your appetite. But the problem is, that it can also cause anxiety, insomnia, and irritability.


People using stimulants commonly experience anxiety. The reason is, that when you use a stimulant like Adipex, it increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in your brain.

Dopamine is known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, while norepinephrine is responsible for the “fight or flight” response. When these chemicals are out of balance, it can lead to anxiety. The anxiety can then trigger a whole host of other problems like panic attacks, insomnia, and irritability.


Adipex can also cause insomnia. The reason is, that when you use stimulants, it makes it difficult for your body to relax and fall asleep. The problem is, when you don’t get enough sleep, it can lead to other health problems like fatigue, irritability, and anxiety.

If you are having trouble sleeping, it is best to avoid Adipex. There are many other ways to lose weight that don’t involve stimulants.


Adipex can also cause irritability. The reason is, when you use stimulants, it can cause your blood sugar levels to drop. This can lead to mood swings and irritability.


Adipex can also be addictive. The reason is, when you use stimulants, it can cause a dopamine rush in your brain. This dopamine rush can lead to feelings of pleasure and a sense of euphoria.

The problem is, when you constantly chase the dopamine high, it can lead to addiction. This is why many people who use Adipex end up taking more and more of the drug to chase the dopamine high.

Dry mouth

Adipex can also cause dry mouth. The reason is, when you use stimulants, it can decrease the production of saliva. This can lead to a feeling of thirst and dry mouth. Even half a pill can sometimes cause these side effects.

High blood pressure

Adipex can also cause high blood pressure. The reason is, when you use stimulants, it can constrict your blood vessels. This can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

Is Adipex worth it?

Before you hop on to a diet pill like Adipex, you need to understand that losing weight is more about eating habits and consistency. Weight loss drugs like Adipex can help you lose weight in the short term. The question should not be how much weight you can lose or whether to lose more weight during the weight loss journey.

It should instead be to create healthy habits that help you reach your goal weight. The best diet pill is the one that will help you eat healthy, without restricting yourself. Adipex customers often mention that I had to force myself to eat. That does not really indicate how effective it is.

Instead, it just shows that the stimulatory effects of the drug are so strong that it forces your brain to signal that you are full. Here are some of the potential problems with Adipex. 

Grey market drugs

Since Adipex is a prescription medication, a lot of people turn to the grey market to buy it. The problem with buying Adipex on the grey market is that you don’t know what you are getting.

There are a lot of counterfeit drugs being sold on the internet, and you could end up taking something that is dangerous. It is always best to get your medication from a licensed medical professional. But since it is only prescribed to people with a BMI of above 30, it's quite tough to get a prescription for regular people.

Withdrawal symptoms

Adipex is a stimulant, and when you stop taking it, you can experience withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms can include fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

It is always best to slowly wean yourself off of Adipex instead of stopping abruptly. This will help minimize the withdrawal symptoms.

Increasing the dosage

The problem with taking Adipex is that it can lead to tolerance. This means that the drug will become less effective over time and you will need to take more to achieve the same effect.

This can be dangerous because it can lead to overdose and other health problems. If you find yourself needing to take more Adipex to lose weight, it is best to talk to your doctor.

Adipex is a stimulant, and like all stimulants, it has a long list of side effects. Some of these side effects can be dangerous.

Adipex Review - Our thought

Adipex is not a miracle drug, and it will not magically make the gained weight melt away and burn fat. You still need to eat healthy and exercise regularly to lose weight. Adipex can help you lose weight in the short term, but it is not a long-term solution.

Unless you are obese and have a BMI of above 30, you need to consider natural weight loss methods before you turn to Adipex. In fact, we have three natural weight loss alternatives that are just as effective as Adipex, but without the side effects.

#1 - PhenQ - Burns Fat and Curbs Hunger

Our #1 recommendation is PhenQ. It is a natural weight loss supplement that burns fat, curbs hunger, and boosts energy levels.

PhenQ contains ingredients that have been clinically proven to help with weight loss. These ingredients include capsimax powder, chromium picolinate, calcium carbonate, caffeine, and nopal.

All of these are natural weight loss ingredients that even a weight management physician wouldn't shy away from recommending. In case you are unaware, PhenQ has been the #1 selling diet pill in the world for over 9 years.

Why PhenQ is better than Adipex

Despite all the hype about helping prevent weight gain, the fact is that Adipex is a one-trick pony. It may help you lose weight, but it does nothing to prevent you from gaining it back.

PhenQ, on the other hand, has ingredients that help burn fat, suppress appetite, and boost energy levels. This means that PhenQ not only helps you lose weight but also helps you keep it off in the long run.

Makes calorie restriction easy

The nopal fiber in PhenQ absorbs water and expands in your stomach, making you feel full. This means that you will eat fewer calories and lose weight.

PhenQ also contains ingredients that help to curb hunger. The chromium picolinate in PhenQ helps to regulate blood sugar levels, which can help to prevent cravings. So it's doubly effective without messing around with neurotransmitters in your brain.

Burns fat constantly

PhenQ contains a blend of ingredients that stimulate thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the process of burning fat for energy.

The more thermogenesis that occurs in your body, the more fat you will burn. This means that PhenQ not only helps you lose weight but also helps you keep it off. The best part is that PhenQ does not stimulate your CNS to produce this effect. As a result, you will not feel jittery or anxious.

Energy boost

Adipex is a stimulant, and as such, it can lead to side effects like anxiety and jitters. PhenQ also contains caffeine, but it is balanced with other ingredients that help to offset the side effects.

The result is that you get an energy boost without the negative side effects. This means that you will have the energy you need to exercise and burn more calories.

PhenQ is also available without a prescription, which is another advantage it has over Adipex.

PhenQ Cost

A one-month supply of PhenQ costs $69.95, which is about the same as Adipex. However, PhenQ comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, so you can try it risk-free.

PhenQ also offers discounts for larger orders. A two-month supply costs $139.90, which works out to $69 and you get one bottle for free. A three-month supply will get you two bottles for free.

Click here for the Lowest Price on PhenQ

Adipex vs PhenQ - Which is better?

The answer is PhenQ. PhenQ is a natural weight loss supplement that is just as effective as Adipex but without the side effects. It also helps you keep the weight off in the long run.

PhenQ is available without a prescription and comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. So why not try PhenQ today?

#2 - PhenGold - Fat Loss With No Anxiety

Credit: PR
Credit: PR

Many people feel deprived and anxious during their weight loss journey. This can be due to various reasons. But primarily, it is because they are not used to eating less and they feel like they are missing out.

PhenGold was created to help with this very problem. It is a weight loss supplement that contains a blend of natural extracts that help elevate your mood. At the same time, it ticks off the rest of the boxes, like reducing appetite, boosting thermogenesis, and preventing the formation of new fat cells.

The result is that you can lose weight without feeling anxious or deprived. And the best part is that PhenGold is available without a prescription.

Why PhenGold is better than Adipex

Adipex is a stimulant, which means that it can lead to side effects like anxiety and jitters. PhenGold contains no stimulants and is instead powered by a blend of natural extracts that help to elevate your mood.

Here's why we think it is way better.

Chlorogenic acids and Rhodiola to curb your hunger and

PhenGold contains Green Coffee Bean Extract, which is rich in chlorogenic acids. These acids help to regulate blood sugar levels, which can help to prevent cravings.

There's Rhodiola which is an extract that has been traditionally used to help with mental fatigue and stress. This can be very useful if you are feeling anxious about your weight loss journey.

So you will feel fuller for longer and won't be reaching for unhealthy snacks between meals.

Cayenne Pepper and Caffeine for thermogenesis

PhenGold contains thermogenic ingredients like Cayenne Pepper and Caffeine. These ingredients help to boost your metabolism and make you burn more fat for energy.

This means that you will lose weight even when you are at rest. And the best part is that PhenGold contains just the right amount of caffeine. So you won't have to worry about side effects like jitters, which Adipex causes.

L-theanine for calm and DMAE for mood

PhenGold also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that is found in green tea. L-theanine helps to promote calmness and relaxation. So you can lose weight without feeling anxious or deprived.

DMAE is a compound that is involved in the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. This can help to elevate your mood and give you the motivation you need to stay on track with your weight loss goals.

PhenGold cost

A one-month supply of Phengold costs $59.95, which is great value considering the quality of the ingredients.

PhenGold also offers discounts for larger orders. A two-month supply costs $119.90, which works out to $49 and you get one bottle for free. A three-month supply will get you two bottles for free.

Click here for the Lowest Price on PhenGold

Adipex vs PhenGold - Which is better?

The writing is on the wall. PhenGold is the better choice for sustainable weight loss. It contains quality ingredients that help to curb your appetite, boost thermogenesis and elevate your mood. And it comes with a money-back guarantee.

You do not have to worry about side effects like anxiety and jitters either since it's a low stimulant formula.

#3 - PrimeShred - Melt Away Layers of Fat

PrimeShred is a powerful fat burner that will help you to lose weight quickly and effectively. It contains a blend of natural ingredients that help to boost your metabolism and make you burn more fat for energy.

The result is that you will lose weight, even when you are at rest. Add some exercise and you are going to be amazed at the results. PrimeShred was designed for athletes looking to shred some fat before a competition but it is also great for anyone who wants to lose weight.

Why PrimeShred is better than Adipex

PrimeShred is powered by thermogenic ingredients like caffeine and green tea extract. These ingredients help to boost your metabolism and make you burn more fat for energy.

Adipex also contains thermogenic ingredients but it is a powerful stimulant. This can lead to side effects like anxiety and jitters.

Reduce your calorie intake

The powerful thermogenic blend in PrimeShred will curb your hunger. This means that you will be able to reduce your calorie intake without feeling deprived.

Adipex may also help you to reduce your calorie intake but it is a stimulant. This can lead to side effects like anxiety and cravings.

Boosts your metabolism

These ingredients also help to boost your metabolism. As your metabolism increases, your body is able to burn more fat for energy. This means, that even if your diet is not on point, you will not gain weight.

Energy blend

PrimeShred also contains an energy blend that includes ingredients like caffeine and green tea extract along with some very important vitamins and minerals. B vitamins play a key role in energy production.

And green tea extract is rich in antioxidants that help to protect your cells from damage. The result is that you will have plenty of energy to power through your workouts and your day.

PrimeShred Cost

A one-month supply of PrimeShred costs just $49.99, which is very reasonable. You can also save money by buying in bulk. A two-month supply costs $99.98, which gets you one bottle for free. And a three-month supply costs just $149.97, which gets you two bottles for free.

Click here for the Lowest Price on PrimeShred

PrimeShred or Adipex - Which one should you choose?

If you are looking for a powerful fat burner that will help you to lose weight quickly, then PrimeShred is the better choice. It contains thermogenic ingredients that help to boost your metabolism and make you burn more fat for energy.

It also comes with an energy blend that will help you power through your workouts and your day without getting jittery. The cost is pocket friendly too.

The bottom line

After carefully analyzing and comparing Adipex with three other fat burners, it is quite clear that Adipex is not the best option for sustainable weight loss. PhenQ, PhenGold, and PrimeShred are better alternatives since they help to curb your appetite, boost thermogenesis and elevate your mood without any side effects.

And they come with a money-back guarantee. So, if you are looking for a safe and effective way to lose weight, then we recommend that you try one of these three products.

You can't go wrong with any of these three products. pick one and start your weight loss journey today!

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