The Best SARMs for Bulking & Cutting

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

SARMs are selective androgen receptor modulators, not to be confused with anabolic steroids. They have made leaps and bounds in the fitness industry as more and more bodybuilders have realized their potential to improve muscle gain. You can buy SARMs online here

They are able to target more specifically internal muscle groups and in doing so prevent things such as muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Since they are considered to be more selective in nature they are easily starting to beat out anabolic androgenic steroids. The best part is that these substances can be grouped together in stacks to achieve goals for both bulking and cutting seasons. 

Bulking with SARMs

What is bulking? For those not familiar with common weight lifting terminology, bulking is basically when you work to add on muscle mass. How is this achieved? Through an increase in strenuous workouts. In most cases, these workouts are often paired with anabolic androgenic steroids. However, since the side effects can be anywhere from mild to extreme with the use of steroids, more and more individuals are switching to SARMs. 

In most cases, SARMs have less harmful side effects and can still help an individual with their efforts to bulk up. Whether in preparation for competition or just to gain extra muscle. Three SARMs including RAD-140, LGD-4033, and MK-677 have been deemed most helpful in the effort to bulk. Each one with its own mechanism.

RAD-140 Testolone

Testolone is one of the top contenders for bodybuilders more so because it aids in muscle building and has a similar mechanism to anabolic androgenic steroids. Keep in mind that SARMs and steroids are not one in the same. And this can be seen through how they work in the body. Steroids tend to attack organs when taken at high levels whereas most SARMs can help you accomplish your goals with lesser amounts. Not only that, some SARMs, more specifically RAD-140 is actually being considered as a replacement for traditional TRT

LGD-4033 Ligandrol

Another commonly used SARM for bulking is LGD-4033. It works to promote optimal muscle gain as well as a reduction in water retention. This means you’ll end up experiencing less bloat while training. It also doesn’t take high doses to achieve your goals either. 

MK-677 Ibutamoren

Last but not least is MK-677. This particular SARM has a different method of working in comparison to the previous two mentioned. It is what is considered a growth hormone secretagogue. Why would you want to increase growth hormone? Because it is part of the reason you’re able to increase muscle mass when taking SARMs. Something else to take note of is that ibutamoren can also help with healing. This has to do with its ability to increase HGH as well as IGF-1 in the body. 

SARMs that Help with Cutting

What do most bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts want? Chiseled abs and added muscle and strength. There is also a desire to reduce the amount of fat. This is the very definition of what cutting is. It’s the goal of muscle gain and fat reduction all at the same time. And SARMs tend to help those looking to achieve this at a much faster rate. 

There are three SARMs that help with this goal specifically that are for sale at Paradigm Peptides. Those three include MK-2688, GW-501516, and S4. Let’s break each one down so that you can make the best decision for you.


MK-2688, also known under the names ostarine and enobosarm, is one of the best SARMs for cutting. It was initially created so that it could help combat muscle wasting in patients. However, soon the bodybuilding and fitness communities got wind that it was able to build muscle and it took off. Why? Because it is able to preserve muscle mass while partaking in a calorie deficient meal plan. 

In most cases, bodybuilders use MK-2688 on an eight week cycle; however, it can be used for up to twelve weeks. In both cases, the dose starts off at 10mg per day. It is recommended that it be taken at this dose for between one and two weeks. Then after those initial first weeks the dose is upped to 20mg for the remainder of the cycle.


When working to cut, SARMs can be of great benefit. For GW-501516, this is more prominent because of its ability to help reduce excess fat. GW-501516 cardarine from Paradigm Peptides, has the ability to help increase endurance and overall strength development. 

Much like ostarine, GW-501516 starts off at a lower dose of 10mg per day for the first couple of weeks. Then for the remainder of the cycle (roughly 6-7 weeks) the dose increases to 20mg per day. The good news is that with GW-501516 a PCT is not necessary. 

S4 Andarine

Last but not least is S4 also called andarine. In comparison to other SARMs, S4 is known to start working rapidly after the first couple of doses. That being said, most bodybuilders or fitness enthusiasts do tend to take a PCT afterwards as a way to re-regulate their body. This is because andarine is particularly potent even at low doses. 

In terms of cycle length, taking andarine would require a four to eight week cycle and the dose varies between 25mg and 50mg per day. 

Does Dosing Vary for Men and Women?

The short answer is yes. Dosing for any SARMs tends to change between males and females. This is because the physiology of men and women are quite different. The common rule of thumb is for women to halve the dose given for men. So for example, a dose of S4 at 25mg should be 12.5mg for a woman and so on.

Results of Optimal Stacks

Whether taking each of these SARMs on their own or stacking them. You’re likely to achieve your goals effectively. But of course, stacking increases your chances of gains ten fold. Why? Because when you’re stacking SARMs, you’re often using multiple SARMs that work slightly different from one another. This allows for a focused effort when it comes to muscle gains and bulking up. 

A few things to look into before starting on a SARMs cycle include the cycle length, dosing for a particular SARM or SARM stack, and even whether or not you’ll need a PCT. All of these questions and more have been answered by Paradigm Peptides, a research based manufacturing company based in the midwestern United States. Learn more about Paradigm Peptides by clicking here

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