How to Clean Soap Scum Like a Pro

Say goodbye to soap scum! Natural cleaning methods to restore shine to your bathroom.

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

Soap scum can be an unpleasant sight on bathtubs, showers, and even your favorite soap dish. But don't worry, tackling this bathroom nemesis is easier than you might think! Here are some effective methods to remove soap scum and restore sparkle to your bathroom surfaces:

Natural Cleaning Power:

For a gentle yet effective clean, try these natural solutions:

Vinegar: Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and liberally spray the affected areas, including your soap dish. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, allowing the vinegar to dissolve the soap scum. Scrub with a sponge or brush, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Baking Soda: Create a paste by mixing baking soda with a little water. Apply the paste to the soap scum and scrub gently. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. This method is particularly effective for cleaning soap dishes, as the paste can reach into all the nooks and crannies.

Commercial Cleansers:

If natural solutions don't quite cut it, opt for a commercial bathroom cleaner specifically formulated to tackle soap scum. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully, paying attention to recommended dwell times and safety precautions.

Preventative Measures:

Prevention is key! Here are some tips to minimize soap scum buildup:

Squeeze Out Excess Water: After using soap, rinse the bar thoroughly and store it in a well-ventilated soap dish that allows water to drain. Avoid leaving a pool of water around the soap dish, as this creates a breeding ground for soap scum.

Wipe Down Regularly: Wipe down your shower walls, bathtub, and soap dish with a squeegee after every shower. This removes excess water droplets and helps prevent soap scum formation.By implementing these simple cleaning techniques and preventative measures, you can keep soap scum at bay and maintain a sparkling clean bathroom.