‘A recipe with a memory’: For slain soldier Noam Ashram, an Idit catering employee

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

Management and employees of the catering company Idit from the Dan Hotels Group saluted the late Noam Ashram, an employee of the company, who fell in the war, in a special project called "A Recipe with a Memory."

Management, in cooperation with his widow and family members, organized a meal based on recipes that the late Ashram loved, in about 20 sites where Idit provides catering services, 

Ashram began working at Idit at the end of 2020 and served as the operations manager of the catering system at a security site in the Tel Aviv area.

Ashram was a loving person who was a dedicated, professional, and very talented leader and manager who connected with everyone he was in contact with and was a true friend who could always be trusted.

Ashram served in the army as a soldier and then as an officer in the 5352nd elite reconnaissance unit. He was wounded on December 29 by a roadside bomb in the center of the Gaza Strip. After his wound, Ashram fought for his life for about two weeks.

In this project, they cooked meals in his memory, which included four special dishes that Ashram loved: roasted chicken with potatoes, Noam's malawah, schnitzel with mashed potatoes with lemon, and petit tender/minute steak roast shoulder in the oven.

Ran Katzman, CEO of Idit, said: "The company's employees salute Noam, are proud of the privilege we had to work alongside him and miss him very much, may his memory be a blessing."

This article was written in cooperation with Idit catering