Educational cooperation: Fostering a greater understanding of our peoples

The 26-year diplomatic relationship demonstrates that education is an important area of cooperation that promotes our mutual understanding and friendship.

AMBASSADOR ZHAN YONGXIN awards scholarship certificates from the Chinese government to the winning Israeli students in August. (Chinese Embassy)  17 Technion’s campus in China I  n December 2015, the Guang- dong Technion-Israel Institute  of Technology was inaugurated. GTIIT aims to become a top-lev (photo credit: CHINESE EMBASSY)
AMBASSADOR ZHAN YONGXIN awards scholarship certificates from the Chinese government to the winning Israeli students in August. (Chinese Embassy) 17 Technion’s campus in China I n December 2015, the Guang- dong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology was inaugurated. GTIIT aims to become a top-lev
(photo credit: CHINESE EMBASSY)
For both the Chinese and Jewish people, education and philosophy are sacred disciplines. As such, their 26-year diplomatic relationship demonstrates that education is an important area of cooperation that promotes our mutual understanding and friendship.
Thanks to the support of the top leaders of the two countries, as well as the dedicated efforts of participating organizations, educational exchange between China and Israel are flourishing and achieving fruitful results in the following areas:
Ξ Institutional building
Since the first China-Israel Joint Committee on Innovation Cooperation, the Ministry of Education of China and Council of Higher Education of Israel have held some ten high-level exchanges and meetings and signed several cooperative agreements. A number of projects were implemented, including the launch of the China-Israel 7+7 Research-based University Alliance and the Chinese National Institute for Jewish Studies in Nanjing University.
Ξ Innovation cooperation
Cooperation in innovation ranges from cultural studies to scientific and technological collaboration. Chinese and Israeli universities took the initiative to form think tanks, hold international forums, and organize innovation and entrepreneurship competition and student-exchange programs.
Ξ Student exchange programs
 In 2018, more than 1,000 Chinese students enrolled in at least 10 universities and colleges in Israel, and about 500 Israeli students study in China, increasing the vitality of Sino-Israeli relations.
Ξ Language teaching
Renmin University and Peking University of China established Confucius Institutes in cooperation with Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, respectively. The Confucius Institutes provide a variety of language courses and cultural activities and has become important windows to China and Chinese culture. Seven universities in China offer Hebrew courses, and six universities have Jewish cultural centers or Israel study centers.
Ξ Joint Schools
 The Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology was established in Shantou in 2015. GTIIT provided three bachelor programs to 216 Chinese high school graduates in 2017. In 2018, GTIIT enrolled 275 students from 17 provinces in China.
AS WE look ahead, we see development in the following areas:
Ξ Support for the 7+7 Alliance
Plans are underway to enlarge the 7+7 Alliance into the China-Israel Higher Education Innovation Alliance, so as to enable more scientific and technological achievements between the two countries.
Ξ Expand two-way student-exchange programs
China welcomes and encourages Israeli students to pursue studies in China, and will likewise support more Chinese students and scholars to study in Israeli universities.
Ξ Improve the GTIIT
China will continue to support and guide the GTIIT and turn it into a model of cooperation in higher education. 
Ξ Promote language teaching
We will give further support for Chinese language teaching in accordance with Israel’s needs. In addition, China encourages qualified Israeli institutions to apply for Confucius Institutes or Confucius Classrooms.