(photo credit: BENJAMIN ADAM)
(photo credit: BENJAMIN ADAM)
Ocean, with over 75 years of experience in shipping and relocation, has revolutionized its approach to relocation. This shift, initiated by Shlomit Drenger, Director of Business Development, allows the client unprecedented freedom. This freedom begins from the initial contact with the Journey Manager, at the very beginning of the process, when ‘just thinking’ about relocation. The Journey Manager, specially trained to assess the needs of the client, has Ocean’s core values at his finger-tips and uses these values to guide the client through the relocation process from the onset and throughout the whole process which could be 6 months, a year or more and not necessarily will the relocatee return to their country of origin.  They may return or stay in their new destination or they may relocate again to another destination.  It also depends on if the relocatee is moving as they were made a job offer or it may be a family that wants to try another way of living.

What is a Journey Manager and what does he do?

Your Journey Manager is your one point of contact, your own personal ambassador, champion and anchor throughout your relocation process.

He is experienced and specially trained to understand the individual and their family getting ready to leave the home they have known, and move to a home they have yet to meet. He understands that relocation is not a single event, but a process that can last years.

He is an expert at listening and observing. He is skilled at uncovering the client’s (and family’s) needs. He knows what, how and when to ask the questions that will build a deep understanding of family members and offer the appropriate solutions. The Journey Manager plans the entire relocation journey together with your family, ensuring that it fits your needs exactly.

He is your relocation partner, managing your relocation journey and creating with you the client, an interactive, personal, stable and stress-free relationship. He is the person you can turn to with any question, secure in the knowledge that you will always receive support.

He represents you and your needs to the in-house specialists who provide the solutions of your choosing from Ocean. He will do everything in his power to make sure things click into place, always to your complete satisfaction.

This synergistic, holistic, agile approach to Ocean’s clients is the key to success, even and especially during these uncertain times. This reframing of the role of the relocation company has expanded Ocean’s ability, reach and success.

How is Ocean’s Journey Manager able to provide a bespoke package of solutions for each client?

A wide range of solutions are available under one roof. Each solution is provided by the most experienced professionals in the field.

Real Estate property management and Tax Consultancy – Experience has taught us that home is a basic need. Accordingly, decisions concerning one’s home are wrought with many personal, emotional and economic components. This becomes especially apparent when acting remotely. Through our vast, global tradition, we have identified the challenges of individuals living in two countries –those whose home is both ‘here and there’, even when purchasing property ‘for the distant future’.

Our Journey Managers have attained a rare skill. We envelope the client in a bespoke comprehensive solution: furniture rental/shipping/property management; short/long term rental; renovation/design project management.

Our specialization sets us apart from other realtors. We provide a diversified solution for selling/buying/renting/locating tenants and temporary housing, all as a complete, vital package of solutions that includes: international taxation, legal advice and the synergistic management of all solutions, from A to Z. The entire object of which is to provide you the client with a sense of certainty and professional peace.

Our tax advisors at Ocean are experts in the field, having accompanied hundreds who have relocated. They will help you understand your income tax obligations as Israelis working abroad and understand more clearly your actual salary worth and what your net salary will be.


Shipping, Door to Door Delivery -. In the field of international shipping, there are many options - shipping by sea, air, shipping a full container or participating in a container, etc. Ocean’s International Shipping Team will help you to optimally build your shipping plan to suit your specific needs.

Additional Solutions:   Locate and Identify School/Daycare; Settling in solutions; Orientation; Furniture Rental; Coaching


Ocean uniquely qualified to work synergistically, holistically and agilely.


While the Journey Manager makes certain that all the pieces come together like a symphony – he never loses sight of Ocean’s core values – the client and their family are at the center of the process. You, the client have the freedom to decide and choose what solutions you want. His “raison d’etre” is to meet the client’s needs and expectations, tailoring a package of solutions specifically for each individual client.

All of these factors ensure a positive experience and a successful relocation for you and your family.