Hair transplant in Turkey's Istanbul | 5 major FAQs answered

"Hair transplant in Turkey and Istanbul is quite popular, but new patients often have questions. This article answers all the major questions you may have."

One of Cosmedica's modern operation rooms in their new Istanbul clinic (photo credit: Cosmedica Clinic)
One of Cosmedica's modern operation rooms in their new Istanbul clinic
(photo credit: Cosmedica Clinic)

Getting a hair transplant in Turkey's Istanbul grows more popular every day as more people flock there for their hair loss treatments. For decades, Turkey has been not just a center for medical tourism but also a country reputed for its expert surgeons and world-class clinics.

Hair transplant clinics in Istanbul are known for their hospitality, expertise, and successful treatments. But perhaps the main reason that drives people from all over the world to Istanbul for their hair transplant surgery is the extremely low cost of treatments. If you've considered getting a hair transplant in Turkey, this article is for you. Here's all you need to know about hair transplants in Turkey Istanbul.

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a hair restoration procedure whereby a plastic or dermatological surgeon removes hair follicles from a rich part of the head to a bald area. The site from which hair follicles are removed is called the donor area, while the site of implantation is called the receiving area. Hair transplants are always done by hair transplant surgeons and their medical teams in a medical clinic, under local anesthesia.

Hair transplant treatment for hair loss dates back decades ago, as far back as the 1950s, but there have been various advancements in techniques over the years. Some of the most popular hair transplant techniques are explained below.

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

This is the most popular technique because it gives a natural look and heals faster. To perform FUE, each hair follicle is removed from the donor area with a special tool and implanted in the target areas.

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is a hair restoration technique whereby a surgeon cuts a strip of hair from the donor area and implants them in the receiving area. It is also known as the strip procedure, and each strip contains groups of 1 to 4 hairs, called follicular units. FUT allows surgeons to transplant thousands of grafts in a single session, thus maximizing the cosmetic impact of the procedure.

  • Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

The DHI method is an advanced FUE technique where hair follicles are extracted and implanted using a Choi pen. This technique makes hair transplant operations faster and less troublesome than the conventional FUE method.

How long do hair transplants last?

After a hair transplant surgery, the new grafts of hair implants must first survive and adapt to the new areas where they are transplanted before they take root and grow. This is part of the healing process. About 85-95% of all transplanted hair grafts easily grow successfully in patients, and this growth is permanent. Transplanted hair cannot be undone. However, its looks may fade over time as it ages, just like the rest of your body hair.

Why is hair transplant in Turkey so popular?

  • Lower cost, same quality

Hair transplants in Turkey can cost as little as $2,000 for popular methods like the FUE, whereas prices in Europe start at $8,000. To make things even better, Turkey has some of the latest facilities and technology that guarantee you high-quality treatments, and you enjoy it all at extremely low costs.

People are eager to get their hair transplant in Istanbul because, by the time they round up their expenses, they find that it helps them save significantly. Getting a treatment done in the US at the same quality would cost them much more. Moreover, there are no tourist treatments or all-inclusive offers to enjoy in the US.

  • All-inclusive offers

Turkey is a well-known center for medical tourism, and therefore hair transplant clinics in Turkey offer hair treatments as packages. These packages help the client save greatly on other expenses that would have arisen during their stay in Turkey. A hair transplant package usually covers:

  • Accommodation (4 or 5-star hotel)
  • Private transportation from your hotel to the clinic and back
  • Translator
  • Free meals
  • Haircare products
  • Tours and leisure programs
  • Consultation
  • Medications (both pre-surgery and post-surgery)
  • Aftercare and follow up 
  • World-class experts and professionals

A majority of the award-winning surgeons in cosmetic surgery are found in Turkey. This is why Turkey is noted worldwide as one of the best places to receive effective hair transplants. Surgeons in the country have been performing hair transplantation for decades, and the majority have grown to become leading experts in the field.

Turkey has over 1,500 certified hair transplant surgeons, and this number keeps increasing every year as the country produces more graduates.

  • Advanced techniques and facilities

Cosmedica Clinic's futuristic-looking reception area (Credit: Cosmedica Clinic)
Cosmedica Clinic's futuristic-looking reception area (Credit: Cosmedica Clinic)

Turkey possesses some of the latest medical technologies and state-of-the-art facilities worldwide. People go to Turkey when they want to enjoy treatment via these latest techniques and technologies. Meanwhile, surgeons in the country are always on the lookout for new breaks in medicine and surgery, and they also research new ways to improve their craft.

  • Free tours

Besides the low hair transplantation costs, hair transplant Turkey Istanbul also allows visitors to tour the country. While receiving treatment, patients can go on a free tour of the country. This can be a lovely experience for people who'd love to see the country's advanced tech or its beautiful capital city, Istanbul.

How much does a hair transplant in Turkey cost?

Getting a hair transplant surgery in Turkey is roughly 3 times cheaper than what you get in the UK or US. Good hair transplantation clinics in Turkey can charge as low as $2,500 for a treatment. This is quite low compared to prices in the UK/US.

On average,  you can spend anywhere between $2,500 and $7,500 for a good hair transplant in Turkey. This estimate covers both the hair transplantation operations and other related costs like transportation, food, accommodation, medication, and aftercare.

However, if you're seeking a hair transplant treatment in Istanbul Turkey, it's advisable to budget $4,000-$7000. This is because various things affect the actual cost of your treatment.

 Here are the 3 main things that determine the final cost of a hair transplant:

  • The technique used for your operation

The two most popular techniques for hair transplant are the FUE and FUT. Out of these two, the FUE technique is the most expensive. Advanced methods of the FUE technique like the DHI and Sapphire methods cost even more (say $5,000 or more).

  • The reputation of the surgeon or clinic

When choosing a hair clinic or surgeon, it's OK to seek out the most popular or highly rated ones. However, bear in mind that the services of these top-rated clinics and surgeons are quite expensive compared to others.

  • The number of grafts needed for your transplant

Sometimes you can be charged based on the number of grafts needed for your treatment. Depending on the severity of your hair loss, a hair transplant can require anywhere between 1,000 and 5,000 hair grafts, and clinics may charge $1.5 - $4.5 per graft. However, this is seldom done. Usually, hair transplantation clinics charge a fixed amount for the entire treatment package, irrespective of how many grafts are used.

Why is hair transplantation surgery in Turkey so cheap?

  • Several competing surgeons

The competition among medical professionals in Turkey is high. Turkey has over 160,000 healthcare physicians and more than 1,500 certified plastic surgeons. There are over 500 hair transplant clinics in Istanbul alone, and hundreds more in other parts of Turkey. This high competition among practicing doctors and surgeons drastically reduces the cost of hair transplant operations.

  • Low cost of living

The cost of living in Turkey is quite low compared to European countries. It is estimated that the cost of living in Turkey is 57.45% lower than in the United States. So naturally, the prices of medical services and treatments like hair transplantation are quite low.

  • No VAT

In an attempt to boost medical tourism, the Government of Turkey stopped the collection of Value Added Taxes (VAT) from all medical tourists seeking treatment in the country. This brought about a significant decrease in hair transplant costs in Turkey.

  • A culture of Tourism

Turkey has a very strong tourism culture, and it's among the top 3 countries for medical tourism. This is why they offer hospitality, free tours, and luxurious treatment to anyone seeking medical treatment in Turkey, all at very low prices.

Is Getting A Hair Transplant In Turkey Safe?

While hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, it is generally very safe.

Turkey has some of the world’s best hair transplant surgeons, so you can be sure you're in safe hands. Also, no clinic in Turkey can perform operations unless they are accredited and licensed by the Turkish Ministry of health. Turkey's Ministry of Health has a high-quality standard that all certified clinics abide by, so you're guaranteed to get quality treatment in whichever clinic you choose.

You have nothing to worry about in terms of confidentiality. Every detail of your hair transplant operation in Turkey is kept secret.

Where Is The Best Place To Get A Hair Transplant In Istanbul Turkey?

The two major things you need to verify before booking an appointment are whether the clinic is licensed and accredited and whether the surgeon has a successful track record.

At Cosmedica Clinic, you need not worry about any of these 2 things. Our state-of-the-art clinic in Istanbul is fully licensed and accredited, and the well-renowned Dr. Levent Acar handles all surgeries.

Dr. Levent Acar is a professional hair transplant surgeon with a track record of over 20,000 successful surgeries. He uses a special technique, the Sapphire DHI method, to treat his patients. This method is an advanced FUE technique in which sapphire blades are used: It reduces injuries during the hair transplant procedure, promotes faster recovery, and gives a natural finish.

What's more, Cosmedica gives you a unique VIP reception and amazing all-inclusive packages that are very affordable.

This article was written in cooperation with Kiber Digital