La Roche-Posay, cancer association to offer free skin screenings

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(photo credit: PR)

Dermo-cosmetics brand La Roche-Posay, in collaboration with the Israeli Skin Cancer Association, will offer skin screenings by specialist doctors, free of charge, to raise awareness of skin cancer and early detection.

The organizations made the announcement in May, which is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, in preparation for the summer.

The tests will be conducted during June in a dedicated mobile testing van that was built especially for the event. In it, there are two treatment rooms in which dermatologists will examiner patients. The mobile testing center will pass through strategic locations nationwide: Tel Aviv, the Krayot, Beersheba, Carmiel, and Eilat: 4-6/6 at Tel Aviv Port; 16-17/6, at Big Carmiel; 18-19/6 at Big Krayot; 23-24/6 at Big Beersheba; and  30/6-2/7 at the promenade in Eilat. It will operate from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.

Dr. Anna Eshkol, an expert in dermatology, will lead the testing activity: "Melanoma is one of the three most common skin cancers, and is considered the deadliest of them. Every year in Israel over 1,200 new patients are diagnosed with malignant and localized melanoma, and from that moment their lives change, many times to an extreme. These data can be changed, both in terms of preventing the disease, and in terms of improving the treatment to the point of curing the disease. The most effective way to protect the skin is a combination of regular examination by a dermatologist, regular use of a high-quality sunscreen, and avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun."

Guy Daneman, CEO of the L'Oréal Israel Dermo-Cosmetics Division: "This activity is part of the social agenda of the La Roche-Posay brand. Its purpose is to raise awareness of skin cancer and make accessible to the general public in general and the young public in particular the importance of protection from the sun and an annual examination for early detection. The testing van is a leading example of the multitude of activities carried out by the brand, to increase awareness that any time could be time in the sun and daily protection from it is important and necessary."

Inbal Cohen Tuval, CEO of the Israeli Skin Cancer Association: "In Israel, there are about 1,000 skin cancer patients and new patients every day. The Israeli Skin Cancer Association maintains a national program for the prevention of skin cancer, education, and information activities for the general public, alongside support activities for patients and their families. As always, this year, we are going out, together with the La Roche-Posay brand, to meet the general public, to raise awareness of proper behavior in the sun and to promote the issue of early detection through skin tests.

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(credit: PR)

“Skin cancer is a disease that can be prevented with the proper attitude in the sun and adherence to routine skin examinations."

La Roche-Posay offers the product series Anthelios, a groundbreaking series in the sun protection product market. The particularly high and wide-ranging protection capacity is based on more than 30 years of advanced clinical research on sun protection and sun-sensitive skin.

This article was written in cooperation with La Roche-Posay