Moms Are Starting Side Hustles and It’s Not Just for Money

 (photo credit: CHARISSE YU)
(photo credit: CHARISSE YU)

The side hustle has become more popular than ever. According to Zapier, one in three Americans are currently involved in one side hustle or another. Seeing a big uptick in 2020 due to the pandemic, this number is expected to rise even more significantly throughout 2021. In fact, over 61 million Americans plan to start a side hustle at some point this year.

There are three major motivations for Americans starting side hustles today. A massive 46% are doing it to get passive income, while 33% are starting one in order to diversify their income streams. Out of the 1/3 of people actively involved in side hustles, 38% are doing them because they simply enjoy what they are doing.  That was the motivation for Charisse, a popular influencer on Instagram in the food niche, who was always focused on doing what she loved. 

A major reason why side hustles have surged in popularity is due to advances in technology. Today, moms everywhere can easily get online using their smartphones, using a number of apps that can lead to them making money, such as the social media giant Instagram.

Some stay-at-home-moms like Charisse are running multiple businesses, all from the comfort and safety of their homes. For those who learn how to grow an audience on social media, it is possible to become an influencer who has hundreds of thousands of followers and get millions of views. Charisse boasts having 400K followers, averaging a quarter of a million views on her videos. In fact, some of her videos have been seen an astonishing six million times.

One of the most popular niches that side hustling moms get into is food. After all, it is a universal language that everyone knows and loves. Food recipes and outstanding shots of meals go viral on Instagram, making it an easy way to build an audience. 

When Charisse started her side hustles, she was also running a state-approved medical vocational school at the same time. Charisse has always been a go-better. She established her vocational medical school from the ground up, showing that she has already had the entrepreneurial spirit living strong within her. Her Instagram side hustle first began as a hobby and creative outlet. However, it has now morphed and grown into a full-fledged business for her. 

Side hustles are not just for getting extra income on the side, as the name suggests. It can turn into a full-time hustle and business, if it is cultivated. Charisse is a model example of what can be achieved when you are passionate about something and stay actively creating new content for people to enjoy. 

Charisse feels that there are many out there who are getting involved with side hustles today because they want to do something they are passionate about. Making money is an added bonus, but being inspired and excited to share something you love with the world and create content others love is first and foremost.