Paint by numbers Just for kids breaking the myth

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

As our digital world progresses, we find ourselves immersed in our phones, leading to a spike in screen time. Even in the company of loved ones, the constant beeping of our phones easily distracts us. It shows a decline in the average adult's attention span. To break this trend, adventurous souls may go for a walk or ride. However, for those who like the comfort of home, you can always go back to something that you learned in kindergarten - Paint by Numbers. 

People believe it is just for kids but according to science, it is a hobby that has demonstrated therapeutic benefits in adults. It comes under art therapy where one can have a creative escape. Be it an expert or a novice, it is for everyone. 

What is Paint by Numbers and What Do You Get in a Kit? 

It is a creative activity that is done by using kits containing paints and a pre-outlined canvas. The outline of the drawing has already been completed and divided into small numbered sections. Each paint color is assigned to its number. That is the magic of this technique. It simplifies the process and attracts everyone because of its structured method.  Today, by volume, painting supplies are widely available in a variety of styles and formats. 

What do Kits Have? 

These kits typically consist of acrylic paint or oil paint, but some also offer options with water or colored pencils. Each kit includes paints, brushes, and pre-printed drawings for creating your masterpiece. 

Lists go on from abstract to stylized sketches of comic book characters. They are easy to finish. It is an umbrella for people with a wide range of interests. Some of the popular paint by numbers kits for adults are paintings by famous personalities, celebrities, landscapes, etc. 


  1. Start Simple: Progress takes time and there is no need to hurry with complicated designs. Pick ones that have larger sections and don’t overwhelm you. 
  2. Quality Kits is a Must: As an adult, you understand the value of quality. The quality of the kit should not be compromised to get the best experience. It can help you to stay motivated throughout the process because it is effortless. 
  3. Lighting: Work in a well-lit area to prevent overlooking any sections on the canvas. Proper lighting is important for accuracy and precision. 
  4. Take Your Time: Remember that you are doing this hobby to disconnect from the real world. If you end up making it a competition where you have to be perfect, it will destroy its main purpose to provide relaxation. 
  5. Prioritize Enjoyment Over Perfection: Focus on having fun throughout the process, and don't overly stress about achieving a flawless final product. It is about the journey. 

Benefits of Paint by Numbers in Adults: 

  1. Clarity and Focus: Paint by numbers immediately improves concentration. It develops focus for the multitasking lives. When you dedicate yourself to one section, you are solely focusing on that and it helps you to not get overwhelmed. 
  2. Stress Relief: It is a stress buster, no doubt. With each stroke, the worries are melted away. That’s why, most people who engage in this hobby describe it as a relaxation technique. 
  3. Self-Esteem Boost: Completing each section and then watching the painting take its shape gives a lot of dopamine rush. This not only motivates people to complete their tasks but also boosts their image of themselves, especially if you are not an artist. 

Paint by numbers is also described as a meditative practice. Adults are encouraged to take up this hobby to let their worries about deadlines and bills fade away for a while. Let your brain relax from the constant anxiety and let your hands dip into the pool of paint to revive your creative soul. 

This article was written in cooperation with