The evolution of identity technology and how It's helping the world

  (photo credit: UNSPLASH)
(photo credit: UNSPLASH)

Identity technology has come a long way since the days of written signatures on legal documents and hand-written names on bank checks. Today, our identities are based on digital signatures, passwords, and even biometrics. If you’re wondering how identity technology has evolved from the ancient to the modern world, read on to learn more about its origins and how it’s helping the world today.

The Evolution of Identity Technology and How It's Helping the World


Identity technology has come a long way in recent years, and it's now playing a major role in improving accessibility for people all over the world. By making it easier for people to verify their identities and access the services they need, identity technology is helping to make the world a more inclusive place. 


A few decades ago, humans relied on physical identification cards to authenticate themselves. Then came biometrics: fingerprints, voice recognition, and other technologies that can be used to verify someone's identity by their body attributes. More recently, virtual IDs have emerged as an important new form of identification; they're secure but not tied to any one individual or device.


In a world where data breaches are becoming more common, it's important to have a way to protect your information. That's where identity technology comes in. This type of technology helps to keep your information safe by encrypting it and making it accessible only to those who have the proper authentication. Using identity technology like two-factor authentication is an easy way to increase your privacy and security online so that you don’t get a counterfeit ID made. If you're interested in how this could work for you, there are many apps that allow you to authenticate yourself with just one click or fingerprint scan.

Border Security

By providing a secure way to verify the identity of everyone who crosses the border, identity technology is helping to keep borders safe. There are two primary forms of ID that are used by immigration officials at airports: passports and biometric data (fingerprints or retina scans). Biometric data is currently more widely used than passport checks because it offers better security while also being cheaper. 

User Experience

From online security to streamlining everyday tasks, identity technology is making life easier and more secure for billions of people. 


By making it easier to verify someone's identity, this technology is helping to reduce fraud and improve security. Thus reducing costs due to inefficiency of the system. Additionally, it's also making it easier for people to access services and products online. With so many benefits, it's no wonder that identity technology is becoming more and more popular.

This article was written in cooperation with Craig Lebrau