An ambitious young man, Brandon Mimms has always been hard at work. This young media magnate hails from the city of Niagara Falls, a tourism-focused city in the southern peninsula of Ontario Canada. Brandon, deep inside, never saw himself as a typical 9-5 worker. “Growth excites me most about all my business endeavors. I love taking something from the bottom or starting from scratch and making it into everything I envisioned & more. It is amazing getting to see the outcome of all the hours I put in and seeing the impact I have on my audience makes it all worthwhile.”, Mimms remarked.
The way Mimms kick-started his journey
Brandon learnt that the largest growing accounts often had a female demographic with content focused on popular media, fashion and trends. He created his first page following this demographic and content style. Soon he saw rapid success in a few of his growth strategies, his Twitter account growing nearly 500,000 followers in less than a week. “There is no secret to success. In my experience trying to “get rich quick” or looking for an easy way to make money is exactly the opposite of what a true entrepreneur would do. It takes hard work and a lot of hours to become successful. Even with all of that you can still fail. What’s important is that you continue to learn from your mistakes and work harder and smarter the next time around.”, said Brandon Mimms.
When Mimms faced hurdles
Brandon faced backlash and negative comments too but didn’t bother to divert his energy towards that. Pressing through the barriers and challenges, Mimms ultimately ended up working with many major influential people. “I am motivated primarily because I am very passionate about social media. When I initially started in social media I wasn’t sure if it would become successful or even earn money but the one thing I knew was that I enjoyed what I was doing. The continued growth of my accounts and the potential they have is what makes this job exciting and fresh for me, but my passion is what truly keeps me going. I have been lucky enough to realize the potential of social media and I’m excited for what future holds”, Mimms stated.
A brief about Mimms work
Today Brandon has built his network into over 10 million total followers across 20 highly sought-after pages. Brandon's pages have become cash cows, generating consistent daily revenues, majority which he reinvests into growing his business. He works with clients such as PUBG, Runescape, actors, athletes, and influencers.
To develop and improve social media marketing skills of people in Niagara, he is working with their businesses and teaching them how to gain success.
Mimms continues to invest heavily in social media. Recently he made one of his bold acquisitions yet, obtaining @USA. Mimms looks forward to growing his digital marketing agency and hopes to pass on his knowledge of social media to others who can learn from him.