Why Should You Bring an Air Hockey Table Home?

The fast-paced and exciting air hockey is one of the most popular table games in the country.

  (photo credit: freepik)
(photo credit: freepik)

The "ping" of the balls hitting the air has been the soundtrack to various bowling alleys and arcade games for decades.

The goal is to create airflow within the table using powerful air pumps. These create an updraft by passing through thousands of tiny holes in the surface, making the ball move smoothly and accelerate whenever a powerful shot is fired.

Air hockey aims to hit the ball with a pusher while aiming for the other goal. The playfield comprises rails designed to bounce the ball back into play. This is a major component of the game's skill. One of air hockey's most challenging aspects is learning to outplay your opponents from different angles.

Air Hockey Has Two Categories of Usage: Home Table and Commercial Table

A home air hockey table is typically used for light use, such as by a family. It can be as small as six feet, although some models are seven feet. These are often combined with other games to create a multi-game table. The fans are powerful enough to lift the ball, and the smooth movement of the air provides a fast and effective glide.

On the other hand, the commercial air hockey tables are made to an arcade standard, which means they are incredibly well-built and can provide an excellent game. They can also be installed in the home with powerful fan motors that will add plenty of uplift to the table.

Air Hockey Table Pros

It Can Be Used in Small Spaces

For players to effectively play air hockey, they only need enough space at each end to move around and return shots. This is because they have to have at least a meter between their table edge and any obstructions, such as walls. Unlike pool tables, air hockey tables can be placed against a wall, which allows them to fit into smaller rooms or tight spaces.

However, you should also consider how easy and safe it will be to transport the Air hockey table into your room. Although these can be easily detached, the table's legs and gantries may be too deep or wide for your space. Also, make sure that your path is clear and safe and that the table can be carried in safely.

It Comes in Different Sizes

There are various sizes of air hockey tables that you can choose from. They range from around four to eight feet long. Having the right size will allow you to move around it easily.

The standard size of commercial tables is eight feet, while seven-foot models are commonly available for public and home venues. If you've got much space, you can also opt for doubles tables with a broader cabinet and enough room at each end for two players.


If you want to add some fun to your game room, then an air hockey table might be the right choice. This multi-game table can provide hours of entertainment for players of all ages, including experienced pros. But, it is important to note that not everyone wants the same table type.

When it comes to buying an air hockey table, you should consider the size. The regulation size is 8 feet long and 4 feet wide, which is ideal for serious players. Having this type of ice hockey table can help you attract pro players and tournaments.

A high-quality air hockey table is also made from solid materials, which can provide years of enjoyable playing time.

For more information: airhockeylife

This article was written in cooperation with airhockeylife