Games We Play: Belgium defuses Rockets

The defending champions sent out a warning to the rest of the Jerusalem soccer league with a 13-2 victory.

soccer ball 88 (photo credit: Courtesy)
soccer ball 88
(photo credit: Courtesy)
Defending champion Belgium sent out a warning to the rest of the Jerusalem soccer league with a spectacular 13-2 victory over the Rockets in week five. Passing and movement provided a platform for Ronni Perel to score five and for Dan Adler to grab a hat-trick. Moshe Wexler and Yisrael Yanis each scored two goals. Dr. Dov earned another victory, as Joseph Kaye scored two goals, and Uri Rosen had a fine strike in a 3-1 win over Angel's Bakery. Derech maintained its 100% record with a 8-2 defeat of Heimishe Essen. David Leiwy, Lee Reisman and Adam Grossman each scored two goals. Precision passing and a hat-trick from Eli Tamir helped Club Med triumph over Egert & Cohen 10-1. Rafi Smith also scored twice, while David Attias scored Egert's consolation goal. Hilton recorded its first victory of the season, as Eli Sudwarts scored two, and Mark Lewis and Ophir Lethridge each had a goal against Ben Maimon. Also last weekend, it was: Bina Boyz 3, Sha'alvim 0; Big Apple Pizza 4, DP Sha'arei 0; Cafe Rimon 3, Menucha V'Simcha 2; Renaissance 3, Goldfus Insurance 1; Kick it 5, Ohr David 0.