Caroline Glick: Peace with the Palestinians a myth
In this week's 20 Questions, the JPost's popular columnist says her two cents on negotiations and other topics submitted by JPost readers.
By DEBORAH DANAN20 questions 58(photo credit: courtsey)
Should Israel be apologizing to the Palestinians for past sins in order to move forward? Is WikiLeaks good or bad for Israel? Why is land for peace always the hot topic and not peace for peace ?The Jerusalem Post's Senior Contributing Editor answers readers questions and expresses her views on the negotiations, the settlement freeze and the BDS movement.RELATED:20 Questions with MK Shaul Mofaz20 Questions with David Horovitz20 Questionswith Yaakov Katz Glick asserts that current paradigms for negotiations, including a two-state solution, are based on the lie that it is possible to make peace with the Palestinians; Without their acceptance of Israel's right to exist, concessions will continue to be futile.Next week 20 Questions will host Emily Landau, the director of the ArmsControl and Regional Security Project at INSS (Institute for NationalSecurity Studies). Dr. Landau is an expert on Arab/EU relations,Israel's nuclear policy and Iran's nuclear proliferation. Readers areasked to send in their suggested questions for Dr. Landau on varioustopics ranging from regional security, Israel NATO relations and the USarms control policy.20 Questions is a new JPost Premium Content initiative empowering ourreaders to shape the content they would like to see. Readerparticipation is vital and we encourage your submission.Submit your questions for Dr. Landau to or write themin the Talkbacks below.