My New Years Resolutions as a Jew:

2016 is upon us in a matter of days and I have decided on my New Years resolutions.  I came up with five Jewish-centric ones.  They are as follows:

-Keep speaking out and supporting the Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen who stood up for diplomacy and backed the Iran Deal.

-Forcefully speak out against the appalling Islamophobia that is running rampant in American politics.
-Make sure my voice is heard in presidential campaign and reject pandering that misrepresents what support for Israel really means.
-Keep writing and calling the JNF and other charities to tell them that funding settlements isn't building Israel. It's endangering it. 

- Write my congressmen and tell them to put pressure on President Obama to finally break the impasse and put an explicit and public plan on the table for a 2 state solution.