Masorti Matters: On riots, baby starving, and ways of Torah

For the past three weeks we have seen something very different on the streets of Israel's capital, Jerusalem. Tires have been set on fire, trash bins have been set alight, and riots have broken out among the fervently Orthodox.

rabbi andrew sacks (photo credit: )
rabbi andrew sacks
(photo credit: )
On riots, baby starving, and ways of Torah Of Judaism, and of Torah, we are told "all of its ways are ways of pleasantness." For the past three weeks we have seen something very different on the streets of Israel's capital, Jerusalem. Tires have been set on fire, trash bins have been set alight, and riots have broken out among the fervently Orthodox. What brought on this trouble that has resulted in both property damage and physical damage? On the face of it, there were two separate events. Read the rest of this blog »
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