Health & Wellness

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The dorsal side of your hand, shows aging signs, new study finds

Since visual estimation can be highly inaccurate, the indisputable importance of these markers is explained by their great practical value as a target for the cosmetology and cosmetics industry.

Frequent salting of food increases the risk of stomach cancer, study finds

Gastric cancer is the fifth most commonly diagnosed cancer globally, with the highest prevalence in Asia, followed by Eastern Europe and Latin America.

You’re breathing potential carcinogens inside your car

Outdated flammability standard drives use of harmful flame retardants in car interiors.

Researchers link disturbances in metal to memory

“We discovered that certain metals binding within the matrix can alter its structure, forming complexes that serve as the fundamental units of memory," researchers wrote.

Did the corona virus really cause an increase in ADHD?

The study, which took data from millions of children, finds no correlation between ADHD and COVID-19.

Israel research identifies harmful biomass posing risk of infections to animals, humans

Those tiny organisms, found everywhere on the Earth’s surface, are also important in influencing various processes, including soil health and pollutant decomposition.


Israel lacks pulmonologists to treat thousands with asthma, COPD, other lung diseases

Asthma is a chronic lung disease with inflammatory and/or allergic features in the respiratory tract that differ in characteristics and severity from person to person.

Israeli researchers measure interaction between immune cells and cancer cells

A new technology developed at Bar-Ilan University will help oncologists and other medical professionals to determine the best way to treat patients.

Blood test detects knee osteoarthritis up to eight years before X-rays can

“This is important because it provides more evidence that there are abnormalities in the joint that can be detected by blood biomarkers well before x-rays can detect OA,” Kraus said.

Childcare pick-up: A one-hour window to build healthier eating habits

If busy parents want to try a small change that might make a big difference, consider stocking the car with veggie sticks, cheese, fruit slices, and drinks like water or milk.

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