WATCH: New ISIS video shows child solider blowing up four alleged spies

The boy, Isa Dare, is the son of Grace "Khadija" Dare, a British convert who traveled to Syria in 2013, where she married a Swedish Islamic fighter called Abu Bakr.

new ISIS video shows toddler detonating car with spies
A new video released on Wednesday by the ISIS province in Raqqa presents a four-year-old British boy detonating a car with alleged spies in it by pressing a button on a remote control device.
The boy, Isa Dare, known as "Junior Jihadi," is the son of Grace "Khadija" Dare, a British convert who traveled to Syria in 2013, where she married a Swedish Islamic fighter called Abu Bakr.
Abu Bakr was one of the first jihadists from Sweden to join ISIS in Syria, and in December 2014 he was reportedly killed in an attack carried out by the international coalition against ISIS. His son, Isa Dare, is given a central role in the video, as the one who executes the "apostate," in order to avenge his father's death.
"Junior Jihadi" is introduced to the viewers by a British teenager, who sends out a message to British Prime Minister David Cameroon to prepare his army to fight, since ISIS is also preparing its army, he says, pointing at the British toddler.
Sending a last message, one of the soon-to-be executed spies requests that "the apostates" who recruited him surrender to ISIS and repent and return to the religion, as they allied with disbelievers and left the religion.
After pressing the button on the remote control and detonating the car, "Junior Jihadi" chants "Allah Akbar," to praise the successful annihilation of the apostates.