Turks protest Ankara gov't outside TA embassy

Employees of Turkish construction company active in Israel will be illegal if their government does not renew trade agreement with J'lem.

Turkish Embassy 311 (photo credit: Channel 10)
Turkish Embassy 311
(photo credit: Channel 10)
Around 800 Turks protested in front of the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, demanding that their government and Israel renew the trade agreement that allows them to work here legally.
The protesters are employees of the Yilmazlar Construction Group, which has carried out several projects in Israel as part of a military trade agreement between the two countries.
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The contract that allows Yilmazlar to operate in Israel is set to expire at the end of the year. Ankara has failed to renew the agreement amid tensions between the two governments.
Yilmazlar is afraid that at the end of the year their employees will be deemed illegal and this will effect the projects they are working on in Israel.
The company asked that the Foreign Ministry allow their employees an extension of their work permits until Ankara decides whether to renew the trade agreement.