Star Catcher Astrology for the week of December 23, 2016

TIP FOR THE WEEK: The time is right to harness your knowledge and begin a new project!

Deep space bright nebula (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Deep space bright nebula
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! The time has come for you to stop blaming yourself and to remember just how special and fabulous you really are. Not even you can control everything all the time and the past few months have proven that, just like everyone else, you are human. Good things await up the road, so don’t give up. Before beginning something new, make certain you have all the pertinent information and try to read between the lines.
HINT: Financially all is moving according to plan even though you could hit a dry patch here and there.
You have the feeling lately that the nebulous thing you are searching for may simply be a figment of your imagination and not a reality at all. Don’t give up. You have done your homework and in the coming months will be able to turn a dream into a reality, so be careful what you wish for. Time spent with your partner or mate is always pleasant and this week is certainly no exception. You work well as a team even though you do see things from a different perspective.
HINT: Financially you are a bit stressed right now what with gifts, obligations and setting money aside for an upcoming trip in the spring.
Young members of your family are under the impression that you can fix everything and will make it all better. They don’t question your ability or doubt that you have the ready cash needed…or can miraculously find it in time. At some point you need to remember that they are adults and you need some of that cash for yourself. You can say no. But can you say it without feeling guilty? That is the problem.
HINT: A conversation with another water sigh will point you in the right direction and help you to understand that there are some problems you simply cannot and should not remedy.
Plans to take off for a few days with your partner or mate may cause some glitches at work and perhaps you should consider postponing your mini vacation for a few weeks. At that time you will have more ready cash and will be less under a strain because of money. This is not the best time to begin a new project no matter how much you feel you are ready. A conversation with an earth sign will be surprisingly helpful.
HINT: Be patient with an older member of your family. This person needs a little more understanding and patience right now.
You have found that sometimes it is the simple things which bring you the most pleasure and this week is no exception. Professionally you are moving forward and in the coming months will be ready to begin checking out your options. For the time being relax and enjoy what you have. Remember, sometimes boring is better. Financially you are a little stressed right now but nothing you can’t manage. You still have enough cash at the end of the month to cover your expenses.
HINT: Time spent with a parent is even more enjoyable at this time so set up a time and place to meet.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
You continue juggling so many things and soon you will either lose your concentration or the strength needed to keep all those balls up in the air. You have no one to blame but yourself and your need to avoid boredom. For now, delegate some of the work to the people you trust the most and don’t take on anything new for the next few weeks. Financially there is still money coming to you, so try to be patient as it will eventually turn up. Time spent with another air sign will warm your heart and remind you just how much you really care.
You continue to work long hard hours and although you really enjoy what you are doing, and appreciate the people you come into contact with, you really need a pocket of emotional quite time in order to regroup, recharge and rest. Your family continues to rely on you and you are spending quite some time dealing with everyone else’s problems, which, under normal circumstances, would be fine, but now leave you feeling drained.
HINT: Financially things are moving forward and you can begin to relax where money and property are concerned.
You have done so much over the past month or so trying to take care of personal business while dealing with social obligations that you are ready to close yourself off for a few days and listen to the quiet. There are still a few things which need your attention but nothing so important that it can’t wait a few days. Financially you are still spending more than usual but are finally earing a little more as well. This week try to avoid signing any important or legal documents. In the weeks to come you will be glad you were prudent now.
HINT: A meeting with a Libra will be informative, interesting and inspirational.
You may be right as far as what you believe is happening, but you need to take a step back and gather the facts once again. Things have changed drastically for the better and before you say something you may regret, check things out one more time. Financially you have had a few major expenses to deal with but nothing you can’t handle.
HINT: Try to be a little more patient with a young member of your family. You may not see eye-to-eye right now but that doesn’t make one party right and the other one wrong. Each coin has two sides.
This is a good week for kicking off your boots and picking up your feet. You need a little time off from hustling at work, chairing meetings and counselling others who consistently turn to you for advice. Financially you could do worse but still need to keep a close watch on any unnecessary spending. The more time you have to be with family members, the better. These are the people you are most comfortable with and allow you to just be yourself.
HINT: You may not be in close contact with a sibling but that does not mean your relationship has changed.
Work, money and past regrets seem to be on your mind right now and rather than dwell on the past, take all the lessons you learned and turn toward the future. You are more than capable of turning things around and soon an opportunity will arise that will calm the waters and allow you to relax. Financially you are not only on top of the situation but are making headway. A surge of energy is expected this week and that is when you will get your best work done.
HINT: If you are interested in doing some major brainstorming look to your partner or mate.
Finally after a long time worrying about money and your career the answers you have been seeking are falling into place just as you hoped they would. Your strong reputation and solid work ethic stand you in good stead as you continue making your mark professionally. Financially money that has been owed is turning up and soon you will be able to sleep peacefully once again.
HINT: Family and good friends continue to offer their support and love and provide the spiritual support you have been looking for.