Israel News

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Israel comes to a halt to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day

Six million Jews were murdered by the Nazi regime and its allies in the Holocaust from 1933-1945.

Costly mistake: Alleged medical misdiagnosis leads to patient getting leg unnecessarily amputated

A 51-year-old patient sued Wolfson Medical Center after an alleged misdiagnosis led to leg amputation; the negligence was said to have caused prolonged suffering and psychological trauma.

Sa’ar’s downward political trajectory as cautionary tale

It has been downhill from there, with six of the seven major polls taken since April 15 showing that his party would not pass the 3.25% election threshold needed to make it into the Knesset. 


As Holocaust Remembrance Day begins: Yad Vashem holds official state ceremony

Those attending the ceremony include Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog, the chairman of Yad Vashem, dignitaries, and Holocaust survivors 

Hadassah Neurim Youth Village: A clifftop paradise for children

The educational community serves as a sanctuary for hundreds of children from around the world, including many who recently fled from war-torn Ukraine.

Turkish incitement: Jerusalem stabbing has deeper meaning, Israel relations complex

Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak, an expert on Israel-Turkey relations, spoke with Maariv and explained where Turkey stands in relation to Israel in light of the war in Gaza.


IFCJ program supports elderly Holocaust survivors in Israel

The program is committed to providing holocaust survivors with food every week for the rest of their lives. Additionally, it enables survivors to engage in various social and practical services. 

World Jewish Congress and German football league's historic visit to Israel

The delegation, comprising officials from the top two divisions of German football, participated in the solemn Yom Hashoah ceremony at Yad Vashem.

An Israeli flag [Ilustrative]

Over 50 Holocaust survivors made aliyah in past year, four since Oct. 7

Of the 52, four made aliyah since October 7 despite the country being launched into war against Hamas.

Remembrance days bring Israelis together in their grief, even if only temporarily

The study delved into the emotional dynamics surrounding this day, which was marked on Monday this year, and detected a substantial decline in “affective polarization during the commemoration.” 

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