Palestinian official: US is 'enemy no. 1' of Palestinians, entire region

"In the past the US partitioned the region in order to help establish Israel, and now they are doing it so that Israel will control the region."

Palestinian official: US is number 1 enemy of Palestinians, Arab and Islamic nation
Palestinian official Jamal Muhaisen, of the Fatah Central Committee, said on Palestinian Authority TV, that the US was the number one enemy of the Palestinians: The US Is No. 1 Enemy of the Palestinians and of the Arab and Islamic nation, The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has reported.
"When it is said that the Palestinian people is the last people on Earth to be occupied, I say the American people is under occupation as well.  While we are under Israeli occupation, the American people in the US are under Jewish-Zionist occupation. When the US presidential candidates meet with AIPAC, they are not meeting them as American citizens, but as representatives of the State of Israel," he said. 
He charged that in the past the US "partitioned the region in order to help establish Israel, and now they are doing it so that Israel will control the region."
"The Arabs do not understand that their main battle is with Israel, which is implementing a certain plan in the region, and this has been agreed upon in advance with the US, " he said. 
"The number one enemy of the Palestinian people, and of the Arab and Islamic nation, remains the US because it is the main supporter of Israel, and poses a threat not just to the Palestinian people but to the entire Arab region," he added.