Israeli theaters hit the US

The Herzliya Theater Ensemble is taking Black Rain to New York for the Israel Nonstop Festival that will take place in February.

The Herzliya Theater Ensemble is taking Black Rain to New York for the Israel Nonstop Festival that will take place in February. Created for the Israel Festival 2007, Black Rain looks at the lessons of Hiroshima in the light of today's threatening realities. Ofira Henig created the concept and directs. The play was written by Haim Buzaglo, and is based on actual testimony, books, screenplays and a Chinese poem from the 12th century. The moving play travels through time and space from the memories of a Japanese woman to the preparations by the obedient Mr. and Mrs. Everyman for another nuclear holocaust. The play will be performed three times with post-play discussions. Out west, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Orna Porat Children and Youth Theater (CYT) will perform 10 Boxes of Matches for the Jewish community of that city. The play, which won Amichai Pardo Best Actor at the St. Petersburg Rainbow Festival, is based on a short story by Janusz Korzcak in which a poor teacher gives empty matchboxes to his students, trusting that their imaginations will fashion toys out of them. CYT will be in Tulsa from January 18-24.