Ashkenazi laments continued incitement during Rabin memorial event

Ashkenazi laments contin

IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi said Monday that even though times had changed since the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, there were still those in Israeli society trying to take the law into their own hands. Such people wanted to change reality by means of incitement and hurting innocent people, he added. During an IDF General Staff Forum convention at the Rabin Institute, marking 14 years since the former prime minster's assassination, Ashkenazi said that "we have to remember and remind others that we are committed to uprooting those wild thorns before more evil grows. "We must ensure that youngsters joining the army are aware of the circumstances that led to Rabin's murder and implement the conclusions. We must set them red lines for arguments and leave the IDF above political disagreements," the chief of staff concluded.