MKs: demolish illegal construction in e. Jerusalem

National Union MKs Uri Ariel and Aryeh Eldad slammed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for allowing illegal building to continue unabated during a tour of east Jerusalem on Tuesday. Ariel is the chairman of the Knesset State Control Committee, which has focused on illegal building in the Arab sector, especially in east Jerusalem’s Silwan neighborhood, in a series of meetings over the past year.
Tuesday’s tour was planned for the entire State Control Committee. However, all committee meetings must be approved by the coalition and opposition members, and in this instance, the coalition refused to approve the tour. Coalition chair Ze'ev Elkin (Likud) said that during the run-up to the elections most committees do not meet. Sources within the State Control Committee said that the prime minister did not want to bring attention to the issue because it is “uncomfortable.”