Synagogues worldwide to pray for Munich massacre victim

Some 400 synagogues around the world, from Sydney to San Diego, will hold a prayer for the victims of the Munich Massacre this Saturday. The Global Moment of Prayer, which coincides with the opening of the Olympics in London the day before, will honor the Israeli athletes murdered in the 1972 Games held in Munich 40 years before.
"I came up with this idea just two weeks ago in response to the rejection by the International Olympic Committee for an official and public recognition of the Munich tragedy," said Netanya-based Barry Shaw, who is behind the initiatve. "It was the right thing to do. If we Jews do not remember this awful event and the death of our sporting elite, then who will?  It is our collective way of telling the families of the murdered Jewish sportsmen that Jews worldwide are paying their tribute to their loved ones and praying for their souls.”
So far Shaw's idea has received the blessing of UK Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and South Africa's Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein.