BlogCentral: The Center

A group of students at Herzliya's IDC provide a sneak peek into life in and out of the classroom.

idc blog 88 (photo credit: )
idc blog 88
(photo credit: )
Safra: For my father This is for my father. The man who is WAY ahead of his time, and therefore not appreciated for what he should be (not even close)! Abba, I never tell you just how amazing I think you are. You are the only person I know who has never given up, even when all of the odds are stacked completely against you. Ha, you take that adversity, and turn it into a challenge! Your patience with your family could top the Dalai Lama. We constantly push you, and when you can go no further, you grab a set of bungee cords! In my entire life, I have never met a man with a will as strong as yours. You are always OK, no matter how badly life is going for you! The Mosquito Ninja: Sellasie Staring blankly at computer screens. The blinking lights of a modem. The stale smell of cold instant coffee. Scattered papers, empty pens, and vibrating cell phones. Finals time is upon us and this is my sanctuary. Tzely: A bad day After all the holiday we had, after all the wine we drank, the celebrations came to an end. Today, it was the beginning of a new day. Today I woke up with this funny feeling and strange mood. The kind of presentiment where you know that something is going to happen, something good or bad, but a thing. Personally, I get irritated when I get this odd feeling.
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* * * Previous entries: Light at the end of the tunnel Senioritis Back on track Autobiography Dreams come true What a week Rosh Hashana Malls are empty again Dawson's Creek Paddling at the beach A small whirlwind A response to the War Thank you Love in the purest form Holiday! Bad PR And so it is... Tzav 8 Comfortable lull Checkmate Today has been totally unfun Here we go again Here I am A letter to someone special What happened to equal rights? Friends are always wonderful to have Lists Did summer start? Wannabe food critic Exam period A dying breed In the desert with Eagle Wings Do as I say, not as I do A Tribute. (Like the Tenacious D. song, but to Sting) Knesset Sir Mixalot Caesaria My first gala Summer Blind date My sacrifice Ambassador A pain in the ass relationship Pnina Rosenblum -- A 51-year-old with a better ass than me Stop to smell the roses Acknowledge the moment Traveling guide for dummies Slow progress Airport Eradicate land mines Thoughts about independence The origins of The Mosquito Ninja My people I no speakah the Evereet. Sleecha! Yihiye Beseder (Everything will be OK) Drinking games The bank experience This break was too long Our cast