Majoring in Aliyah: My friends are the biggest threat to peace in the Middle East

I was trolling the Internet the other day, looking at some of my favorite blogs, when I came across an interesting video. Max Blumenthal, a blogger on several left-wing websites decided to post what he called "the most shocking footage I have ever filmed."

Aliyah Major (photo credit: )
Aliyah Major
(photo credit: )
My friends are the biggest threat to peace in the Middle East Sometimes, when someone says or does something idiotic, even if you find it personally offensive, the best policy is to ignore it. However, when it gets over 200,000 (and rising) hits on YouTube within four days, it's hard to ignore. "Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem" is not a video that I could just live with. I was trolling the Internet the other day, looking at some of my favorite blogs, when I came across an interesting video. Max Blumenthal, a blogger on several left-wing websites who recently wrote a book slamming the Republican Party, decided to post what he called "the most shocking footage I have ever filmed." Read the rest of this blog
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