Israel Always: Why do Muslim leaders never condemn terrorism?

Israel Always Why do Mu

The accounts of witnesses to the Fort Hood murders indicate that Maj. Hasan, an Army military psychiatrist, is a Muslim terrorist who was trying to please Allah when he gunned down unsuspecting American soldiers, killing 13 and wounding 40. Surviving soldiers confirmed that he shouted, "Allah Akbar," the battle cry of Islamic jihadists, as he poured bullets into so many innocent and unarmed servicemen (and a pregnant civilian who was on base). Not only is Hasan a militant Muslim, but he is also a Palestinian Arab. Although he was born and raised in the United States, his parents both came from the Palestinian Arab population of the so-called West Bank in Israel. They are devout Muslims. Even though the Palestinians have received more US financial aid per capita than any other group of people in the world, many of the Palestinians still nurture a strong hatred for the United States. For example, when Muslim terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001, Palestinians danced with glee in the streets of their cities, including Jerusalem. But most of our major media outlets refused to acknowledge the killer's Muslim connection and refused to condemn his killings as an act of Muslim terrorism. Most newsmen jumped to the conclusion that Hasan was simply a pathetic example of a soldier cracking from battle stress. Of course, they had to ignore the fact that he had never been in combat. Perhaps even more disturbing was the response of US President Barack Obama. He quickly cautioned everyone that "we had better not jump to conclusions." He did state that "there is no justification for such acts," and he added that it was "hard to comprehend." But he fell far short of acknowledging and condemning the tragic event as an act of Muslim terrorism. Long before this attack, you may remember, he publicly refused to use the phrase, "Islamic terrorism," and has banned its use by others in the government. He also plans to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. Many Muslims can be heard saying that Hasan does not represent the millions of respectable Muslims living in America and around the world. Even in my own hometown of Charleston, South Carolina, the local Muslim cleric was heard on local television making statements distancing himself from Major Hasan's actions. Yet never once did he distance himself from the horrific acts of terrorism perpetrated against innocent Israelis living in southern and northern Israel. Too many of the world's Muslim leaders never condemn acts of Islamic terrorism, whether because they interpret the Koran as supporting such acts or because they're afraid of retribution from the fanatics in their circles. It is long past time for Muslim leaders to sing the same music from the same page. They cannot cherry-pick when it is convenient or politically expedient to condemn acts of terror. Many media reports identified Hasan as simply a "religious nut" - some even claiming that there were many Christian religious nuts also. Retired Army Col. Ralph Peters responded, "Yes, he [Hasan] killed out of blind Muslim religious hatred. But Christian nuts? Where are the Baptist suicide bombers, and where are the Methodist terrorists?" Prominent Jewish American journalist Bernie Goldberg commented, "You have to ignore so much evidence to conclude that this Muslim murderer is just a nut who cracked." He cited the fact that Hasan had talked often about killing non-Muslim infidels and that he had communicated often with other known Muslim terrorists, both in the US and abroad. Hasan had definite ties with Muslim extremists, and his fundamentalist Muslim views definitely played a part in his actions. Goldberg added that Hasan had obviously carefully planned his terrorist act. Then Goldberg suggested, "The White House should fire a shot at Muslim extremists on behalf of our entire country." FOX News commentator Dennis Miller noted that while the majority of Muslims were good people and should be protected, it had to be acknowledged that most of the terrorism all around the world today was rooted in Islam. He concluded: "Maybe all Muslims are not bad people. But why don't some of the good Muslims step out and identify the bad Muslims, so we can avoid troubles like this?" Army sources acknowledged that Hasan had been quite open about his Islamist views. They said he often tried to convert his military patients to Islam, and that's why he was put on probation. They said he often harassed his fellow soldiers, contrary to the story that he suffered harassment and discrimination as a Muslim. He also often expressed his anti-American and anti-Christian views, even praising the use of terrorism against US soldiers (despite being one himself). But complaints about his anti-American rantings were ignored. Some officers said they did not complain because they were afraid that doing so would backfire against them in the "politically correct" Army system. Gary Bauer, former assistant to President Ronald Reagan, declared that "it is hard to fathom why so many elites are more interested in spreading politically correct lies than in confronting the strong likelihood that our Muslim terrorist enemies have infiltrated key American institutions." He added, "More of our soldiers will die, as will many more civilians, if our media and our government leaders do not wake up." And he concluded, "Major Nidal Hasan should never have been in the Army. He should have been in jail." At last report, Major Hasan was still alive, and was expected to remain so. Now with a divided military, government and media, it should be interesting to see what develops in Hasan's legal future. Hopefully, justice will be served - and safeguards put in place so that similar attacks against our military can never happen again.