Netanyahu: Israelis have difficulties finishing the month

PM warns Knesset Finance Committee that Israel must preserve its economy while solving socioeconomic issues: "We can't break the whole framework."

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu 311 (R) (photo credit: REUTERS/Menahem Kahana)
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu 311 (R)
(photo credit: REUTERS/Menahem Kahana)
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the Knesset Finance Committee on Monday that "Israelis are having difficulties with finishing the month and the gaps in society are growing."
"On the one hand, the idea is to shrink these gaps and to ease [the economic burden] on the public and especially on the middle class, and on the other hand, to preserve the economy and financial strength of Israel," he said. "We can't break the whole framework. We need to deal with the problems, but also to preserve our economy...If we preserve the economy, we'll preserve the state and be able to solve the issues and avoid troubles."
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Netanyahu's statement came the same day as the new panel of experts set to help protest leaders arrive at solutions held a press conference in Tel Aviv.
The panel will contribute facts and advice from their respective fields of expertise, and present various solution models for social-economic issues that have led to demonstrations across the country.
The new teams are being offered by the protest leaders as an alternative to the prime minister's Trajenberg Committee, which they feel is not genuine in its efforts to alleviate the socioeconmic issues in Israel.
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